Los Angeles: Yet another one of Cardinal Mahony’s auxiliary bishops disgraces the Church. – IOTW Report

Los Angeles: Yet another one of Cardinal Mahony’s auxiliary bishops disgraces the Church.

Spectator.org: Former Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony is long retired, but his scandals keep exploding like ticking time bombs around the feet of his successor. The latest eruption was this week’s revelation that Mahony had elevated Monsignor Alexander Salazar to auxiliary bishop in 2004 despite a credible allegation of abuse against Salazar from the 1990s. Mahony’s successor, Archbishop Jose Gomez, announced that Salazar’s resignation flowed from “deep concern for the healing and reconciliation of abuse victims and for the good of the Church’s mission.”

The Church has known about the allegation against Salazar for at least 13 years and in all likelihood much longer, but only got around to forcing Salazar’s resignation this week, presumably out of a PR need to tidy up such cases before Pope Francis’s “abuse summit” next February, and perhaps also out of fear of exposure by approaching investigators.

In anticipation of that gathering in February, Pope Francis vowed in a speech before cardinals this week that abuse cover-ups would “never” happen again, a promise that he can’t even keep in the most obvious case — the ongoing scandal of Theodore McCarrick, who remains holed up in a Kansas friary next to a school and tourist site while his criminal defense attorney issues protestations of innocence to the press in his name. Never happen again? The cover-up is happening right now. 

Salazar, by the way, is only the most recent Mahony-era auxiliary bishop to disgrace the Church. Mahony really knew how to pick them: in addition to Salazar, he selected Gabino Zavala, who had a secret family, and then earlier he selected Patrick Ziemann, a repeatedly accused molester whose ecclesiastical career was punctuated by an affair with an embezzling priest at one of his parishes (the priest also claimed coercion).

In 2004, Salazar was co-consecrated by Mahony and Zavala. Mahony had appointed Zavala to auxiliary bishop in 1994. It came out later that he had sired a couple of children from a mistress residing in another state. He resigned in 2012.

Salazar, Zavala, and Ziemann were Mahony’s kind of bishops — politically and theologically liberal, big on “social justice,” and mired in scandal. Mahony liked to keep bad priests close and the worst ones even closer. He made a molester known to him, Fr. Carl Sutphin, the associate pastor of his cathedral until prosecutors closed in on him.  MORE


13 Comments on Los Angeles: Yet another one of Cardinal Mahony’s auxiliary bishops disgraces the Church.

  1. Holy sheep shit. I hate to use foul language but there is nothing more that I cant think to say.

    There are high ranking officers. If it was brand new recruits who have not been vetted I could wrap my mind around a bad egg got through seminary but was caught before they could do too much damage. But these are all company men who were in for life and climbed the totem pole. It’s as if it was by design. Very troubling.


    And join Christianity.

    Catholicism is so wacky and bureaucratic, I can’t believe anyone would think this is what Jesus would have wanted. Indeed, he DIDN’T want it, as he did nothing resembling it while on Earth.

  3. One of the 3 disgraced Jesuit priests just released from any authority at Gonzaga University had allegations of sexual abuse from as far back as 1948, 70 yrs. ago. He has since died a few yrs. ago but the other two have been removed from their ministries including one who was the men’s basketball team chaplain.

  4. I maintain that the USCCB is the most corrupt institution in America today, yep – even more so than the House, Senate or Supreme Court.

    Mahoney is absolutely despicable. I have been saying that for decades. Absolutely despicable and without any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    I just read Diabolical: How Pope Francis Has Betrayed Clerical Abuse Victims Like Me—and Why He Has To Go – Milo Yiannopoulos

    It is the gold standard if you want to become educated on this subject by reading one concise book.

  5. Homosexual and pedophiles have been hiding out in the priesthood for years. A kid I grew up with over 50 years ago wanted to be an altar boy. His dad, an Irish immigrant, adamantly wouldn’t allow it. At the time I was puzzled about how strongly the dad forbade this, especially considering how staunchly they were Catholics. In hindsight I now know why. He was protecting his son.


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