Georgetown U. offers free counseling to those affected by government shutdown – IOTW Report

Georgetown U. offers free counseling to those affected by government shutdown

College Fix-

As the federal government is in the midst of a partial shutdown, Georgetown University wants any affected staff and students to know they can take advantage of campus counseling services.

As of Saturday, approximately one-quarter of the federal government closed down as negotiations between Republicans and Democrats did not produce a funding agreement. The main issue is construction of a wall on border between the US and Mexico.

The shutdown could persist into the new year.

In an email obtained by The College Fix, GU Associate Vice President for Federal Government Relations Katy Button reminded the campus community that the university’s Faculty & Staff Assistance Program includes “free [and] confidential counseling,” and is available to those impacted by the federal closures.


15 Comments on Georgetown U. offers free counseling to those affected by government shutdown

  1. I can’t wait to see where South Park takes this and runs with it.

    It is really something to see how many people have been stripped of their innate human dignity and volunteer to be a victim these days. Ridicule is about all they deserve.

  2. Uh, refresh my memory… Were there massive ‘panic attacks’ when Obama had the government shut down the four or five times he did?
    I don’t think it happened.
    …why is this such an earth shattering deal now?

    The double minded idiocy of leftists is so redundant at this point.
    Why is it bad now when it wasn’t bad before? Because it isn’t your ‘guy’ or whatever? When did America get so divided?

    (Also, as someone who has a sister with real, viable struggles with panic attacks and anxiety due to traumatic events, I take major offense to how many little bitchy snowflakes try and say that they’re having one. NO YOU’RE NOT.)


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