Breitbart: The Dow Jones Industrial Average rocketed upward Wednesday in the highest single-day point increase ever and highest percentage raise in nearly a decade.
The Dow closed at 22,878 the day after Christmas, a 1,086-point, nearly five percent gain on the day. It was the highest one-day point gain in history and the greatest percentage gain since March 2009, according to Fox61. The boost came in the first day of trading since Monday’s Christmas Eve dip of more than 600 points.
The S&P and Nasdaq had their best days since August 2011, according to the report. The S&P was up four percent Wednesday while the Nasdaq rose 4.8 percent. more here
I was waiting for a downgrade below 20 to re-invest.
Me too.
Volatility is not your friend when it comes to mom and pop investors. That said, I’m happy for the one day rebound. I worked on Wall Street. Their goal is to cheat several dollars out of millions of investors. It’s a game to them. The desk I worked was filled with former Ivy-Luegue football players.
I’m hoping to get back my losses from August through December and then I’m out….It’s a game where I don’t know the rules because they make em up as you go and then they charge you to play their game….If I don’t make money, then you don’t either….
different anonymous
…there’s a saying about the stock market that seems appropriate here, @different anonymous…
…when you invest in stocks…
…the broker makes money…
…the house makes money…
…two out of three ain’t bad..
Stinking anonymouses.
Or is it anonymous’s?
I started with nothing, still have most of it.
Fire that PO💩 Powell PRESIDENT Trump!
Dear Anonymous (in all your alliterations) : no use hiding; we know your IP address … just sayin’ 😉
…if you had EVERYTHING, @Outdoorjohn, where would you PUT it?
…h/t Steven Wright
@ Supernightshade….The market went down 659 points and I lost X. The market went up 1086 and I made Y….X was still greater then Y…. all three markets went up near 4-5 percent and my account went up 1.6 percent…. I’m surprised that more brokers don’t die for unknown reasons
@Supernigthshade ~ Texas
if you do the math, every last one of us can fit in the state of Texas & everyone can have a comfortable 1,000 square feet of space (a gd bargain in NYC, or Shanghai)…. double up w/ your ‘significant other’ & that’s 2k sq. ft. a couple
… the whole rest of the world ….. we exploit!
There are eerie similarities to the Health Insurers and their brokers….
all I gotta say about today ……. Trump’s fault
Holy cow. Is this Obama’s stock market or is it Trump’s.
I prefer to gamble at the slot machine.
I’m sure obutt-hole gets the credit for the rebound.
Damn! I should have bought yesterday!
What I find interesting is the far left, (that would be all of the left) cheer when bad things happen, because Trump, and then find someone or anyone else to get the credit if anything good happens.
BTW- the stock market changes with the wind, it’s not to be trusted as an indicator due to the Fed can hit the down button in one or two days with an interest rate rise.
Not our friends at all.
So while CNN was blaming Trump for the 600 point drop, they didn’t cover the 1000 point gain.
@ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ December 26, 2018 at 9:19 pm
> we know your IP address … just sayin’
I’m behind seven proxies
@different anontmous December 26, 2018 at 9:31 pm
> I’m surprised that more brokers don’t die for unknown reasons
There’s numbered tickets for the line. The pols are still waiting. The bankers got the next tranch. But they’ve got Fiverr hobos standing in line for them. Then there’s … You know what? We’ll get to them. Pinky swear.
My stock advice to liberals – buy General Electric; it’s really low right now.