Wait a minute….. Are Financial Analysts/Media Playing Games With Holiday Growth Rate of Consumer Spending? – IOTW Report

Wait a minute….. Are Financial Analysts/Media Playing Games With Holiday Growth Rate of Consumer Spending?


Here’s a weird question.  I’ve been looking at this all day.  Something sketchy is afoot.  I waited specifically for CBS to report so that I could share an exact comparison.

In 2017 total holiday sales were reported as follows:

2017 CBS – […] They had a lot of company across the country. Total retail sales this holiday season added up to a record $598 billion dollars — up $33 billion from last year. (link)

In 2018 total holiday sales were reported as follows:

2018 WSJ and CBS – […]  Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. The figures suggest a stock-market swoon and partial government shutdown haven’t curbed consumer confidence and spending. (link)

See the issue?..

In all 2017 financial media reports $598 billion was the holiday spending total.  And in all of 2018 financial media reports $850 billion was the total holiday spending.

That’s a difference of $252 billion more spent in 2018.  An increase of 42%.

A forty-two percent increase !!

Now, you might say it’s simply a difference in the media source.  However, CBS is cited specifically to avoid this possible disparity.  MORE


See Also:

Former Walmart CEO Bill Simon Discusses Strong Holiday Sales and What It Means for Economy

It’s a little funny to watch this.  The chicken little pearl-clutchers at Fox Business: ‘orange-man-bad tariffs‘ -vs- former Walmart CEO Bill Simon on strong holiday retail sales, global growth and the U.S-China trade reset.

The Wall Street business-pundits are pre-programmed, at an institutional dna level, to jump into the “tariffs are bad” talking points.  Mr. Simon aptly dispatches them with a dose of reality from the Wal-Mart/Main Street perspective.  [It’s kinda funny]

5 Comments on Wait a minute….. Are Financial Analysts/Media Playing Games With Holiday Growth Rate of Consumer Spending?

  1. Well…DUH.
    I don’t need anyone to point out the LYING LEFTIST MEDIA
    is *against* President Trump.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist – much less a has-been, burned-out researcher to see – they’re the same ones who b!tch about Trump NOT going to visit his troops…AND THEN b!tch about him doing it “wrong” (i.e. signing MAGA hats).

    They are digging their own graves.
    And more and more “normies” are seeing that every day.

  2. Are Financial Analysts/Media Playing Games With Holiday Growth Rate of Consumer Spending?

    Is the Pope… uh, well that one doesn’t work any longer. How about: Do bears shit in the woods?


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