California student’s free-speech win affects thousands of others – IOTW Report

California student’s free-speech win affects thousands of others

ONN: It took two years but students at a California community college are finally free to hand out copies of the U.S. Constitution on campus.

Pierce College, located in Los Angeles, required that constitution-holding students stand in the school’s “free speech” zones, and get permission to do so, in order to exercise their free speech, reports Campus Reform.

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education attorney Brynne Madway tells OneNewsNow that student Kevin Shaw sued the school for restricting his constitutional rights.

“As part of the settlement,” says Madway, “the defendants agreed to get rid of the tiny free speech zone on the Pierce College campus, and students won’t have to get a permission slip before engaging in peaceful, non-disruptive expression on the campus.”  more here

7 Comments on California student’s free-speech win affects thousands of others

  1. OT: Fresh off the city press, sitting on top of my Inbox. This is what liberals do with their free speech:

    “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

    (text mark-up as received from the very first line of City News)

    Of all the people, of all the quotes they could pick from.
    Just had to share before bed; spread some holiday cheer. I’m going to throw up now.

  2. Oh how that must upset the rabid simpletons. This means that the constitution will share some of the sunlight with Mao’s little red book on the campus. The loons don’t like apposing views.

  3. I hope he also got money for his time, trouble, and inconvenience, attorney’s fees, and an irrevocable agreement that the school cannot change the policy back in the future.


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