Ohio: Antisemitic Doctor Who Said She’d Give Jews The Wrong Medication No Longer Employed At The Cleveland Clinic – IOTW Report

Ohio: Antisemitic Doctor Who Said She’d Give Jews The Wrong Medication No Longer Employed At The Cleveland Clinic

DC: An Ohio hospital confirmed Monday that it no longer employs a doctor who made anti-Semitic comments and promised to give Jewish patients the wrong medication.

The Cleveland Clinic said in its statement that it became aware of the social media posts by Lara Kollab, 27, who worked at the clinic from July to September 2018, and that her beliefs conflicted with those of the clinic. The hospital did not state, however, whether Kollab had been let go as a direct result of her tweets.


Kollab had a history of making violently anti-Semitic comments on social media. An online compilation of Kollab’s tweets showed she often referred to Jews as “dogs,” invoked Allah to kill them, and denigrated both Israel and the U.S.



Take a good look at her face in case she shows up at a hospital near you.

You may not be Jewish, but what if she knew you were a friend of a Jew?
A relative of a Jew? Maybe your name sounds Jewish.
Or maybe, because you’re not ‘Palestinian,’ she’s suspicious of you.
Maybe you’re too American for her.
Maybe you’re not muslim enough.
Maybe, at the very least,  you just annoy her for whatever reason.

Would you trust her?

32 Comments on Ohio: Antisemitic Doctor Who Said She’d Give Jews The Wrong Medication No Longer Employed At The Cleveland Clinic

  1. I never take granted, I always check that I’ve been prescribed and dispensed the proper & or intended medication. I worry for older, very sick people that can’t check medical website pill identifiers.
    Had surgery once and afterward, in my room, the nurse tried to get me to take a med that was improperly tied to me as my normal daily blood psi meds. She insisted & tried to force me, I refused.
    Mistakes are bad enough, nefarious intention is always a possibility, too.

  2. She reminds me of the bitch who worked (I don’t know if she was fired) at Medtronic who, on Facebook, threatened to cancel an account and refuse delivery of medical devices to a diabetic Republican staffer. Because, Trump!

    Medtronic never said if she was fired or not. Just a statement about how they don’t agree with her views and she didn’t do this on their behalf. Whatever. Was she fired or not?

  3. I wish the story had a little more about who she is and where shes’s from, where she grew up etc etc . It would be nice to know whether she’s a homegrown nazi or whether she was taught this in a foreign country by parents who are likely just as evil as she is. In any event, I suspect her medical career in the US is over and if she wants to practice it will be in the Gaza, West Bank or Africa. all of which are not fun place for pretty girls (and she is very pretty). What a waste of a mind.

  4. No one in their right mind would ever allow a Muslim doctor to get near them. They’re all inbred and mentally deficient. When commanded, they’ll do their part to kill all infidels. They are not allowed to think. They’re told what to think. If they disagree they face death. I wouldn’t trust a Muslim to watch over a steaming pile of dog shit.

  5. Anybody who uses a Muslim for their healthcare (doctor, nurse, nurse-practioner, etc) are asking for trouble. Their oath to the Koran outweighs any Hippocratic oath. Their loyalty to Sharia outweighs their loyalty to the US Constitution.
    That is who they are and they state their allegiances repeatedly. It is way past time that we take them at their word.

  6. Wow, have to disagree on so many levels here. My PCP is Muslim and went so out of his way in my best interests against lazy mainstream Hebrews that had it been their choice I would not be walking or typing now.
    I mean that sincerely.
    I understand focusing on a screw-up like this, but I owe my still functioning life to my PCP, a Muslim.
    I left his practice due to ignorant redneck trash staff that alienated his patients, on their own, not his interests.
    Just my experience, and am grateful to him.

  7. There are a lot of foreign born Muslim physicians in American hospitals. I especially recall a guy named Farrah who was a cardiology Fellow ( a person in residency fellowship training). For a year or two he was rotating between three different hospitals where I serviced the cardio lab equipment.

    The local newspaper published a story about him about how important his Muslim faith & the local Islamic center were to him. This before the 911 attack. After 911 I immediately recalled him. I never saw him after that. I assume he went to another city after completing his training. Maybe the newspaper write up motivated his leaving as most fellows stayed & established their practice at one of the hospitals where they completed their fellowship training. I never much liked the guy. However, most of the other Muslim docs seemed like okay guys. With a few rare incidents of one of them mistreating female nurses, but being a jerk doc isn’t limited to Muslim doctors.

    One day at the hospital my fellow employee wanted me to speak more quietly, least i be overheard by one of the many Muslim doctors, while telling him the story about a group of people in the airport waiting area discussing what to do about Muslims. The punch line being the cowboy, who was laying back seemingly asleep with his hat covering his face, who quietly says, “We haven’t played cowboys & Muslims yet.”

  8. Dear Edward Rivera,

    This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your complaint about Lara Kollab. Input and feedback about the practices of Ohio’s medical providers is critical to the Medical Board’s mission to ensure safe health care. Your complaint will be reviewed, and may be referred to board staff for formal investigation or informal corrective instruction to the practitioner. This process may take as little as a few weeks, or may take longer. If necessary, you may be contacted by a Medical Board Staff member to provide additional information. Your complaint is confidential and the Board will not identify you without your permission.

    Your complaint may result in several outcomes. The board may take formal action against the practitioner. In other cases, formal discipline may not be warranted, but the Board may suggest education, training or other non-disciplinary means as an opportunity for the licensee to improve his/her practice. In other cases, a single reported complaint may not warrant action, but if additional similar complaints are received, the board may take steps to correct the licensee’s behavior. Rest assured that your complaint is retained by the board for future use, if needed. This action is confidential, and if used by the Board, is not released or revealed.

    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for your patience during our review and investigation process. You will be notified when our review of your complaint is complete. If you have questions, you may contact the Public Inquiries Dept. at (614) 466-3934.


    State Medical Board of Ohio

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