Florida Toddler Injured After Falling Into Rhino Exhibit And ‘Making Contact’ With One Of The Animals – IOTW Report

Florida Toddler Injured After Falling Into Rhino Exhibit And ‘Making Contact’ With One Of The Animals

DC: A two-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital after she fell into the white rhino exhibit at Florida’s Brevard Zoo on Tuesday. Reports have indicated that she was injured, but the nature and extent of her injury has not been released.

The Brevard Zoo is home to a special “rhino encounter” program, during which a zookeeper supervises as families see the animals up close — and even touch them. The little girl and her family were participating in that activity at the time of the incident.

The zoo explained the experience in an email to ABC, noting that the program has been in place since 2009 without incident and saying, “During the encounter, participants and the rhinoceroses are separated by a series of steel poles.” more here

SNIP: A series of steel poles a toddler can slip through, I suppose.

19 Comments on Florida Toddler Injured After Falling Into Rhino Exhibit And ‘Making Contact’ With One Of The Animals

  1. Poles are not the problem. Someone should have been holding on to their child.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Another idiot parent holding the facility accountable for her lapse of attention and playing victim.
    The only noticeable injury was the mothers eyes that had become swollen with dollar signs.

  3. I’m a little confused.
    Build requirements now dictate that balusters for a staircase be close enough to prevent a small kitten easy passage.
    Is there any end to the cutouts RINOs get?
    Somebody got some splanin to do.

  4. More evidence that morons are reproducing entirely too much these days. This is the tale of yet another jackass incapable of looking after their kid in a clearly dangerous situation. Hell, I wouldn’t even bring a two year old into a place where they could clearly just walk into a pen filled with rhinos. And what monumental fuckhead designed that enclosure, some Millenial faggot with no kids?

  5. The kid’s a moron.
    Its parents are morons.
    Apparently the rhinos didn’t notice it being in their pen – or they just had no desire to interact with a moron.

    See? The phenomenon (proliferation of morons) is world-wide, not just in France.

    izlamo delenda est …


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