Romania is sick of the EU – IOTW Report

Romania is sick of the EU

Breitbart: BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) – Romanian officials on Monday slammed European Union officials for treating it as “a second-rate” country as it prepares to take over the EU’s rotating presidency.

Underlining the fractious mood between Romania and Brussels, a senior official of Romania’s governing Social Democratic Party blasted top EU officials including European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker for alleged prejudices.

“Romania is under special [EU] monitoring. Romania is treated like a second-rate nation by some EU officials,” Mihai Fifor, a Social Democrat leader, wrote Sunday.

We “will no longer take being scolded or sanctioned for things that happen everywhere in Europe,” he added.

Romania takes over the rotating role on Jan. 1 amid deep political divisions at home and a contentious domestic judicial overhaul. EU officials have repeatedly criticized Bucharest over the legal changes, warning they will dilute efforts to prosecute high-level corruption in one of the bloc’s most graft-riddled states.


5 Comments on Romania is sick of the EU

  1. Romania?
    Where’s that?

    Bucharest, Budapest, what’s the difference?

    The EU is France and Germany – everything else is just window-dressing – sort of like our ante-bellum South – exploitable but not to be taken seriously.
    And they all fell for it! The idea of getting free-shit was too seductive.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The eastern Europeans are proving to be exactly what we expected from our western European allies. Those that had a taste of the heavy hand of communism are steering clear of what they see in the EU. They get it!

  3. Romanians might look like a bunch of onion eating, garlic breathing, whiskey drinking, peasants who have never met deodorant, but if you cross them they’ll never forget. Mr. & Mrs. Nicolae Ceaușescu anyone?

    They are completely transparent about graft and bribery in government and business.

    They refused muzz migrants, but the EU shoved a few down their throats anyway.

    While holding EU presidency they are going to steal, grab, and bribe their way into dump trucks full of money.


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