Feds Fired Tear Gas at Caravan Migrants During New Year’s Border Breach – IOTW Report

Feds Fired Tear Gas at Caravan Migrants During New Year’s Border Breach

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — U.S. authorities fired tear gas into Mexico during the first hours of the new year to repel about 150 migrants who were trying to breach the border fence in Tijuana.

An Associated Press photographer witnessed at least three volleys of gas launched onto the Mexican side of the border near Tijuana’s beach early Tuesday. It affected the migrants, including women and children, as well as members of the press.

Migrants who spoke with AP said they arrived last month with the caravan from Honduras.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection says in a statement that the gas was aimed at rock throwers on the Mexican side who prevented agents from helping children who were being passed over the concertina wire. The agency says 25 migrants were detained.

10 Comments on Feds Fired Tear Gas at Caravan Migrants During New Year’s Border Breach

  1. Helping children who were being passed over the concertina wire.

    Throw them back over! Why are you helping? Next time anyone invades a country, just throw down your weapons and carry someone else’s kid and march toward the border.

  2. Its an invasion. They come across the border without weapons. Then when they settle in in a sanctuary city they go out and buy weapons to rob the locals and take all the freebies they can get from the kind hearted saps who don’t see a problem. Stop them at the border… and stop with the PC krap.

  3. @Anonymous January 2, 2019 at 7:51 am

    > Nothing more lethal to fire?

    That’s why the wall is a great idea. And the current barrier locations are fecking retarded (“a bad idea”… “stupid”… isn’t enough).

    Attacks at the border means the usual mess, that lands around the attack, can (and, eventually, must) spill over, to the other side. That is an international incident (like pumping raw sewage into border waters). Attacks at the border means that the “incident” is in somebody else’s jurisdiction (international jurisdiction) until it succeeds.

    Move the wall back, at least ten meters, into your own, UN recognized, territory. Arrive at the wall, unannounced? You’re “here” now, so no apparatchik can complain about not having jurisdiction to hear your case, because you’re not in their country. Get tired of waiting for the paperwork? You’re no more obstructed on the way back the way you came, than when you came. Attack the wall? No different than attacking the White House fence.

  4. 87 American men, women, and children massacred at Waco, Tx, under Bill Clinton and we shoot tear gas at illegal-alien invaders?

    But President Trump is the bad guy?

    Something’s wrong here.

    izlamo delenda est …


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