Official: Dems ‘Refused’ To Even Listen To Border Security Briefing At White House – IOTW Report

Official: Dems ‘Refused’ To Even Listen To Border Security Briefing At White House

DC: Democratic lawmakers brought a border security briefing at the White House to a screeching halt Wednesday, refusing to even listen to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, a White House official tells The Daily Caller.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy echoed this version of events to reporters outside the White House immediately after the briefing, saying, “Once the secretary started, Schumer interrupted her and didn’t want to hear it.”

Republican and Democratic lawmakers after the meeting indicated little progress was made toward ending the partial government shutdown and that they agreed to reconvene Friday. The White House official says there was a consensus in the room that negotiations would be put on hold until Pelosi officially assumed her expected role of Speaker.

The White House official told TheDC that both Pelosi and Schumer refused to hear out Nielsen’s briefing and instead advocated for two solutions to end the government shutdown. Neither of the Democratic options would provide the additional funding for border security requested by The White House.

“Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance. It was incredibly disheartening that they don’t want to know the facts when making policy,” DHS Spokeswoman Katie Waldman said in a statement to TheDC.

Representatives for Pelosi and Schumer did not respond to requests for comment.  more here

18 Comments on Official: Dems ‘Refused’ To Even Listen To Border Security Briefing At White House

  1. Trumps in a bad spot. He needs to figure out how to get military contractors paid. the military paid, the Coast Guard paid, and shut everything else down. Everything else would be a lot of lifetime appointed swamp creatures. The people the Democrats care about. I have reason to believe he’s working on just that.

  2. I’m thinking (hoping) Trump’s got something more than “I’m in the White House, waiting to make a deal” schtick, ’cause, at the moment, the demomarxists think they are going to win w/ the ‘fuck you’ strategy … & Pravda Media will back them all the way
    if Trump could turn night into day, they’d howl to the heavens that he is racist against vampires … especially minority vampires

  3. Trump has to go to war against these traitors. Sure he has done this, and done that, but I’m looking for these bastards to have their heads handed to them, and it needed to have been done before the mid-term elections. By the time the sun, the moon, the planets, and all the astrological formations line up it’s going to be too late.

  4. Trump needs to bypass the ‘leaders’ and start talking to the second tier congressional members. Let them hear direct testimony from Border workers, the parents and families of victims of rampant illegal border crossings, doctors treating the diseases infesting the border breaches, and etc

    Just start bringing them all to the WH, for televised meetings, so American can watch how their representatives behave.

  5. Tony R,

    Me too. If the demonrats show up, I expect them to walk out before he is done. Of course, a new low by the house demonrats would be to not invite Trump for the address. They are that deranged. Presidents used to just send letters to congress to meet their constitutional obligation to report on the state of the country.

  6. It will not be long before the Demonrat federal workerbees start screaming bloody murder and put enormous pressure on Chuckles and San Fran Nan to compromise.

    Once again the Maestro has manuvered them into a corner they painted themselves into. They are so stupid and predictable.

  7. Democrats only focus on power, money and knocking Trump down. The don’t care about American’s except for empty promise votes, and tax dollar flow into their pockets, results on anything else…zip.

  8. 2/1/19 EBT stops funding. Wait for it, the demonrats will cave. Wait until the people who depend on those benes to finally realize the demonrats care more about border jumpers than them. I also agree w Moji, televise/web everything live, make em squirm like the maggots they are.

  9. Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance.

    Democrats don’t care for anything they can’t change with a double secret e-mail.

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