Trump: If Democrats Think A Wall Is ‘Immoral,’ They Should Do Something About The Vatican – IOTW Report

Trump: If Democrats Think A Wall Is ‘Immoral,’ They Should Do Something About The Vatican

DC: President Donald Trump criticized congressional Democrats for obstructing his plans to fund a border wall while talking to reporters Wednesday.

Trump specifically attacked the Democratic talking point that a wall is “immoral.”

“This is all to tell Chuck and Nancy and some others from ICE and from border patrol, and also from some local law enforcement, how bad it is — how dangerous it is — and why we need a wall,” Trump said. “Look, when they say the wall is ‘immoral,’ then you better do something about the Vatican. The Vatican has the biggest wall of them all.”  more here

7 Comments on Trump: If Democrats Think A Wall Is ‘Immoral,’ They Should Do Something About The Vatican

  1. Hey President Trump, a sound bite is not reaching the non-deplorables. It’s time to expand your audience and go beyond tweets. This isn’t permanent, because most of the people I know love your tweets. It’s just time to bring in some new believers. I know, State of the Union Address is coming up. How about addressing the country before the State of the Union to build some anticipation for the big speech. Now is the time to keep selling MAGA and KAG!

  2. @Hambone, spot on. Nothing immoral about clipping the brain stem of an unborn baby then sucking out parts for resale?? As a Catholic I concur–since the Vatican represents refuge, TEAR DOWN its wall.


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