Rand Paul on Romney: There Will Be A “Backlash” For “Holier Than Thou” Anti-Trump Op-Ed – IOTW Report

Rand Paul on Romney: There Will Be A “Backlash” For “Holier Than Thou” Anti-Trump Op-Ed


Sen. Rand Paul said “big government Republican” Mitt Romney is not helping any cause with his “holier than thou” column that heavily criticized President Trump. Paul shares how he works with Trump despite the cut-throat Republican primary of the last presidential election.

“I don’t know how it really helps anybody’s cause for people to stand up there like they’re holier than thou,” Paul told FOX News’ Neil Cavuto. “And it’s like, look at me, how virtuous I am. And I`m going to bring down the presidency by criticizing his character in front of the whole nation.”

“It does nobody any good,” he added. “And, in the end, I think it’s going to look petty, and I think there’s going to be a backlash to this.”



Paul said when he has a policy disagreement with Trump he votes against the legislation and still has a “good conversation” with the president, instead of attacking his character or going for the jugular.

“I question him on policy when I disagree with him,” Paul said. “He knows I have stood up to him. I have talked to him on the phone and he says, I know where your principles are and I know you can’t move on this particular vote. And we still have a good conversation. And I think that’s different than attacking and trying to go for the jugular of someone’s character. And so I do think it’s different.”

Paul also warned that Romney would be “wiped out” if he tried to primary Trump in 2020.

“I think that, if there were an election between Donald Trump in a primary and Romney, I think Romney would be wiped out. And people ought to think about, Republicans ought to think about whether or not sort of this big government, let’s always be at war everywhere kind of Republican is what we want,” he said.  read more

10 Comments on Rand Paul on Romney: There Will Be A “Backlash” For “Holier Than Thou” Anti-Trump Op-Ed

  1. “And, in the end, I think it’s going to look petty, and I think there’s going to be a backlash to this.”

    Straightforward common sense.

    The backlash started when it was imprinted on the nation how odious Romney is through Romneys own actions.
    Heck I saw this coming 2 years ago with the SoS dinner.
    Didn’t you?
    President Trump played it perfectly and gave Mitt just enough Rope at every stage. Now Mitt is BRANDED.
    Everything Mitt touches will stick like Glue.
    The MSM will record Mitt from every angle 24/7 to pro-voke, pre-empt, pro-mote and pro-duce their scripts.
    Romney will get no respite. Gruelling enough that he may actually opt out and mail in his votes and hide out in his Bat dream car elevator.
    He is playing a different role for them this time.
    His backstabbing scenes in future events will be so staged and pre-ordained that anyone who doesn’t know a week or more in advance is, most likely, deliberately not looking.
    Stay tuned.

  2. The guy is so egotistical he’s been blind to the public’s rejection of him. He used his influence with the Mormon community to get seated in the senate and now thinks he can catch a anti Trump wave.
    His first move was to immediately demonstrate piss poor instincts. It’s going to be a long six years with this stooge.

  3. When you have Dennis Prager yelling at you and calling you stupid you really have stepped in it.
    Romney will not recover from this,he just does not know it yet. No one will trust him. What a way to start off. Jerk.

  4. This is what infuriates me:

    Paul: ““I question him on policy when I disagree with him,” Paul said. “He knows I have stood up to him. I have talked to him on the phone and he says, I know where your principles are and I know you can’t move on this particular vote.”

    Every Republican in the Congress should be on board with Trump’s MAGA policies — there’s nothing he has proposed that he didn’t campaign on and the good people of Kentucky are probably VERY upset when Paul disagrees with him. He won KY with 62.5% of the vote, with Clinton taking less than a third from their two most Progtard counties. If Paul is voting on his own principles, he’s not representing his state fairly. Not picking on Rand Paul. This needs to be brought up to McConnell, too.


  5. Mormon conservatives in Utah are phillosophically squishy but most still voted for Trump because he was better than the alternative (despite the traitorous Glenn Beck). However, Mormons despise what they view as arrogance or self-aggrandizing because they are always taught to “stay in their place”. Because they are always told what dots to connect they seldom connect the dots themselves. Romney is a great family man and they see that as the prime virtue despite his socialist tendencies.

  6. The despicable bastard usually hides in the shadows and has his henchmen do his dirty work.

    Romney really shit in his own mess kit when he misjudged middle America’s support for Trump implementing the policies that the Republican establishment has been dry shaving them on.


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