Macron accuses ‘agitators’ of wanting to ‘promote insurrection’ – IOTW Report

Macron accuses ‘agitators’ of wanting to ‘promote insurrection’


French president Emmanuel Macron has hardened his rhetoric about the continuing protests that are roiling France for the thirteenth straight week.

After the first cabinet meeting of the year, Macron apologized to the French people, saying through a spokesman, “Maybe we have made too many concessions to conservatism, we’ll have to change that.”


Since Macron swept to power in May 2017 promising to transform France and do away with a political class he blamed for the country’s malaise, he has seen his popularity slide to a record low as discontent with his style and policies grew.

Facing the sternest challenge of his 20-month tenure, Macron has vowed to press on with other reform pledges, such as stricter rules for unemployment benefit and overhauling the civil service.

One of the faces of the leaderless yellow vest movement, Eric Drouet, was detained on Wednesday for organizing an undeclared protest, before being released on Thursday.  Macron’s critics have called the tougher response a mistake likely to inflame the situation.

The protests have squeezed many businesses, including retailers and hotels that closed their doors or suffered cancellations in early December at the height of the violence.

French services activity retreated at the fastest pace in more than four years last month, a survey showed on Friday.

Absolutely, Macron has made a mistake.  From a high of 40,000 protesters in December, the number has dropped to around 12,000.  But Macron’s blast at the protesters will not go over well with people who just might like the idea of “concessions to conservatism.”  read more

11 Comments on Macron accuses ‘agitators’ of wanting to ‘promote insurrection’

  1. Looks to me like the French are waiting for Americans to rescue them again. Notice that every Saturday, the thousands of gilets jaunes disperse EXACTLY at dinner time.

    When Napoleon said an army travels on its stomach – he KNEW his fellow Frenchmen.

  2. I suspect that Macron understands that his own security and military may not come to his aid if these agitators do provoke a revolution. Besides, isn’t it actually in an agitators job description to promote insurrection?

  3. who promote insurrection to topple the government

    That’s like saying Starbucks called the cops because you were drinking a latte. The guns only arrive when you refuse the (often repeated) demand to leave.

  4. Finally some french citizens have balls enough not to surrender.
    Now use that new found strength to deport all the illegal immigrant muslims and rid themselves of the Eu and French socialists who control their country.

    Reprendre la souveraineté nationale française!
    Tant que vous avez encore un pays.

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