UK: MPs Threaten Government Shutdown to Stop No Deal Brexit – IOTW Report

UK: MPs Threaten Government Shutdown to Stop No Deal Brexit

Breitbart- A group of Remainer MPs will attempt to stop a no deal Brexit by starving the Treasury of funds which could lead to “total paralysis” of the Government.

The MPs are set to vote on two amendments to the Finance Bill, which grants funds to the Treasury to spend on implementing no deal arrangements, on Tuesday.

Labour’s Yvette Cooper MP, who leads the group that includes former Tory ministers Nicky Morgan, Oliver Letwin, and Nick Boles, said, “Our amendment would block some of the Treasury’s no-deal powers unless parliament has explicitly voted for no deal or unless the government has requested an extension of article 50.”

“We’ll be looking to table similar safeguards to all government legislation,” Ms Cooper added, with the Sunday Times reporting that the plans also have the backing of select committee leaders Hillary Benn, Rachel Reeves, Harriet Harman — all from the Labour Party –Frank Field (formerly of Labour), and Sarah Wollaston (Conservative).

Two members of Prime Minster Theresa May’s team told The Times on Saturday that the plan could lead to the “total paralysis” of Government. A senior Government source added that Ms Cooper’s amendments would be “the first of many” attempts to stop a no deal Brexit should MPs vote down Mrs May’s unpopular EU Withdrawal Agreement in the week beginning January 15th. more

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