Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Backs Trump For The Wall — ‘The Wall Works’ – IOTW Report

Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Backs Trump For The Wall — ‘The Wall Works’


The former Border Patrol Chief under former President Barack Obama revealed that he supports President Donald Trump’s desire to build a wall along the southern border, in a Monday night interview with Tucker Carlson.

Mark Morgan was asked to step down from his position in January 2017.

When asked if walls work, Morgan stated, “Yes. They absolutely work. If you look in the past, you don’t have to go too far back in history, that bipartisan legislation Secure Fence Act in 2006 and 2012, bipartisan legislation passed where they built the wall or fence or physical barrier, whatever you want to call it, it’s a wall. It works.”

“You worked for Obama, you didn’t work for Trump, so I don’t know what that says, but just to be totally clear we’re having you on to talk about this in your capacity as someone who knows a lot about the subject. Is there a real argument against having a wall that you are aware of?” Carlson asked.

He then admitted that he was removed from his position by the Trump administration.

“The president is right, the president of [National] Border Control Council is right. The other day when they had the national press conference and they got up and they said, ‘The wall works,’ they are right, and it’s not based on a personal, political ideology. That’s based on historical data and facts that can be proven,” Morgan answered.  MORE

3 Comments on Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Backs Trump For The Wall — ‘The Wall Works’

  1. Good on him. I suspect he never, ever. spoke up during his tenure under obama, ergo he kept his job, however, wasn’t retained by Trump.

    Oh, if only Trump had swept out all of obama’s trash on day one, starting with Comey.


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