Trump’s Address Was A Pitch To America’s Conscience – IOTW Report

Trump’s Address Was A Pitch To America’s Conscience

DC: President Trump’s compelling address this evening laid out the the humanitarian and security implications of not building a border wall, as his Democratic opponents suggest.

His tone was different from usual. He was more humble. More explanatory. There was less “Believe me” and more, “Here’s why you need to believe me.” It looked good on him.

Trump came across as a father figure this evening. As someone genuinely trying to look after the interests of the nation. And not just the nation as a sovereign entity. But of its constituents.

His appeal to the black and Latino minority workers most hurt by illegal immigration showed he is not just interested in pleasing his base during the shutdown saga. He is actively reaching beyond it. And that’s precisely what some feared he wasn’t doing enough of over the past 17 days.

The shutdown is of course being leveraged by the Democrats and the establishment media. CNN literally put a baby on air during an interview last night in order to make the case that President Trump was heartless. But watch as CNN insists over the next 24 hours that POTUS was wrong to cite individual cases where Americans — especially law enforcement officers — were murdered by illegal immigrants.

It’s often one rule for them and another for him. But today, he rose above the partisan fray.

What happens next will be up to Democrats. Will they continue to obstruct over the relatively modest $5 billion the White House wants for the wall, or dig their heels in further?

The reality is that they are probably too wedded to their obstinacy. On the other hand, President Trump’s speech was a poll shifter.

Don’t believe it? Compare Trump’s comments to the optics of a hectoring Nancy Pelosi, and a half asleep Chuck Schumer immediately after. MORE

12 Comments on Trump’s Address Was A Pitch To America’s Conscience

  1. Paul Rino and the reprobates would not allow the wall to be built. He couldn’t call them out by name because of the R by there names. The President loves this country. Too many politicians love the money and power.

  2. The Left won’t even feign that they listened to his speech.

    Instead they double down on how ‘brave’ and strong Nasty Pelosi looks.

    Just Do It, Mr President. Save this nation.

  3. Trump is not an emoter and I didn’t hear the Crisis of Conscience in his speech.

    Want to have a special report with the “angel” families of those killed by illegals? Go for it. Have a Rose Garden ceremony for the victims when the EO is signed.

    No one with a conscience is against us protecting our citizens. No one talking about illegals committing crimes at a lower percentage than native born or legal citizens has one. Every crime committed by someone who should not be here is a non sequitur and a capricious dismissal of people who have had their lives taken or destroyed by something that never should have happened.

    Cold hearted lizard people do not care if someone’s rape, murder or being killed by a drunk illegal was 100% avoidable. Put it on display and make them own it.

  4. For every “baby in a cage at the border” there is at least one Kate Steinle.
    Her father joined her for a walk, he didn’t use her to obtain US citizenship illegally.

    The US government is duty-bound, by sworn oath, to protect its citizens. ANYTHING else they do is secondary to that PRIMARY OBLIGATION. Behavior contrary to that by ANY government officer or employee should be punished severely. The US Constitution specifies capital punishment. It should be spelled out in black and white.

    The more Pelosi and Schumer talk, the more I hate them at obamalevel.

  5. 50% of Americans have no conscience.

    ….and I’m being generous with my 50%. It’s probably more like 75%+.

    By the way, isn’t it odd how they complain about separation of families, but murderous abortion never makes it into the mix?

    I wonder how many abortions she’s had?


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