Occasional-Cortex Traveling to Sundance Film Festival to Watch Herself on Screen – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex Traveling to Sundance Film Festival to Watch Herself on Screen



Breitbart: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) plans to travel to Sundance in January to see herself in a documentary.

The Democratic socialist superstar Congresswoman from the Bronx is scheduled to screen a documentary called “Knock Down the House” with Hollywood’s elite at the Sundance Film Festival, according to the New York Post’s Nikki Schwab.

Ocasio-Cortez was featured in the documentary as one of four female working class candidates for Congress challenging the Democratic establishment. She was the only candidate that won. more here

24 Comments on Occasional-Cortex Traveling to Sundance Film Festival to Watch Herself on Screen

  1. ‘Working class’, oh right! The fallacy filled narcissist will be in good company. If she stops tooting her own horn, she’d become invisible.

    I finally figured out why she’s so repulsive looking: she’s a clown. Her most annoying feature is highlighted by that whore lipstick, plus the maniacal eyes 👀 👀. Exchange the bozo hair and you’d have a twin 🤡.

  2. She’s a bewildered party girl that’s in way over her head. I would laugh at her pathetic attempts to play ‘grown-up’, but she’s the kind of ditz that succeeds in the democrat party and causes the real ‘grown-ups’ a lot of genuine headaches

  3. LOL libs are funny. Obama wins the Nobel Peace price 10 months into his presidency by just showing up and she gets a syrupy documentary one week after being sworn in as a Congresswoman. And she is an idiot.

  4. Sure didn’t take long for this hard faced communist split tail to start thrusting her greedy snout into the public trough. Like the rest of the communist democrats in Congress she will soon be a multi-millionaire.

  5. but what about her green new deal? hows crazy lady getting there? hot air balloon? unicycle? or maybe its that evil prehistoric fossil fueled aircraft. yup, sandy from the bronx, i mean yorktown, doing what the voters put her in office for. taking a taxpayer funded flight to the movies. Bint!

  6. She is the squirrel, look, keeping the media’s attention off the economy. The tall pedestal she is being placed on will make her easy to remove from sight when no longer usefull

  7. Good for her.

    “Those whom the Lord would bring down, first, He raises up.”

    I hope she outlives her utility to nihilistic totalitarianism – an experienced barista is a terrible thing to waste – and she isn’t ageing well.

    izlamo delenda est …


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