Sen. Graham Elected Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee – IOTW Report

Sen. Graham Elected Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., was elected Wednesday to serve as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman.

The role was previously held by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who announced in November that he would be stepping down. Grassley became the Senate Finance Committee Chairman on Wednesday, according to a news release.

[…] Earlier Wednesday, Graham revealed that under his leadership, the committee plans to probe allegations of government surveillance abuse amid ongoing concerns over FBI and Justice Department efforts to surveil Trump campaign advisers during the 2016 race.


8 Comments on Sen. Graham Elected Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee

  1. He did well during the Kavanaugh victory so give him a chance here. As for amnesty mentioned by WDS why not explore some sort that provides amnesty for some (although they never become citizens, can never vote in local, state or federal elections nor hold a seat in government at any level, can’t have any special protections or rights given to them etc etc) but have ICE go crazy booting out the majority of the rest and make sure the black community is aware that Trump is responsible for their higher employment and higher wages because jobs are now becoming available. Trump could really screw the Dems once and for all if done right (he could get the wall and speed up deportation from weeks to hours). He has to remember though if he decides to take a crack at this that the Dems double crossed Reagan when he tried to solve the illegal problem during his term in office and he can be damned sure Pelosi, Schumer and Kotex would try to screw him to.

  2. Two months of soundbites during a confirmation hearing doesn’t erase Graham’s years and years of being a “go along to get along” RINO. He has never called for a secure border once during his career in the Senate but he HAS called his SC constituents “Bigots” for not supporting amnesty for illegal (emphasis on illegal) immigrants.

  3. Just a note of caution on that “partial amnesty” concept.
    “You get all the rights of citizenship except the right to vote.”
    That will last maybe 2 days.
    Then a liberal judge will come along and rule that ‘there is no such citizenship’ in the Constitution. Instant voting rights.


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