Trump Visits US/Mexico Border As Mexican Authorities Discover 20 Bodies, 17 Burned, Nearby – IOTW Report

Trump Visits US/Mexico Border As Mexican Authorities Discover 20 Bodies, 17 Burned, Nearby

TRUMP  HEADS TO BORDER: The President Heads to Texas as Democrats Dig-In:

President Trump departed the White House for the US-Mexico border Thursday morning; touring the region just hours after he abruptly walked-away from failing negotiations with congressional Democrats over his proposed border wall.

The Commander-in-Chief will meet with local officials and federal agents with first-hand knowledge of the ongoing immigration crisis taking place along the United States’ southern border.  MORE

Hannity: Mexican authorities made a gruesome discovery this week; finding 20 bodies -17 of them burned- near the United States’ border in the northern city of Nuevo Laredo, reports Reuters.

“Five burned vehicles were also found near the bodies in the town of Miguel Aleman, across the Rio Grande from Texas in the northern state of Tamaulipas, the official said in a statement, without providing details,” reports the news agency. MORE

11 Comments on Trump Visits US/Mexico Border As Mexican Authorities Discover 20 Bodies, 17 Burned, Nearby

  1. What gets overlooked in this mass illegal immigration discussion is that Mexico just elected its most leftwing President in the last 20 years. There is a widespread gas shortage going on right now from how much they’ve fucked up their state owned oil company and, most importantly, it is a failed narco-state where the gangs are effectively running it now.

    There are no honest police. Even teenage bloggers, if they say anything against any cartel, end up missing and then found beheaded or with all of their appendages chopped off.

    You could have argued we didn’t need a wall 20 years ago but now? We definitely do.

    Maybe we can just pitch it like a couple of the dystopian liberal fantasy movies where Mexico built a wall to keep us out.

  2. “finding 20 bodies -17 of them burned- near the United States’ border …”

    Schmuckie and Nasty might care for a moment if it’s pointed out that they lost 20 voters.

  3. Cripes! Can we just build the wall and have done with it???!!! I’m getting a little upset that POTUS Trump is still negotiating with these anti-American weasels and traitors like some sort of abused spouse who thinks this “is the very last time.”

  4. AbigailAdams- I figured he’s giving the dems extra rope before he calls ‘national emergency’ and has it built that way. He’s given them at least 5 public chances already. We SEE this. People who vote see this.

  5. I’m fine with the cherry picking the best, most legitimate DACA recipients in exchange for the wall. Not the 25 year olds who came across. Not the deadbeats or criminals.

    But Democrats don’t want good, responsible people let in. They want maids and landscapers or some child sex traffickers. That is the tide that floats all their boats.


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