Beware the Wobbly Republicans – IOTW Report

Beware the Wobbly Republicans

Patriot Retort: There’s been a lot of talk about some Congressional Democrats going wobbly on funding the border wall.

And that’s good news.

The signs are there that Nancy’s Wall of Opposition against the Wall is beginning to show cracks.

But never forget that Republicans have made an art out of going wobbly.

They’re not called the Surrender Caucus for nothing.

There’s a reason the media is focusing on sob stories over the Government Shutdown.  It isn’t to change the hearts and minds of the American people.


It is completely directed at the traditional wobbly Republicans in Congress.

These Wobbly Republicans have a reputation for stabbing Americans in the back in order to appease an angry news media.

And Derek Hunter’s latest column “Republicans Can Win the Shutdown If…” makes that point perfectly.

It’s not a joke to say Republicans have an uncanny knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Of all the things the GOP excels at, this tops the charts. So as the longest partial shutdown of the government in history rolls on, it’s important to take a moment to check the status of things and game out how things could go. And, believe it or not, Republicans could actually end up with money for a border wall (or barrier, whatever) if only they ignore all their natural instincts and stand strong.

The sad profiles of federal employees claiming to be on the verge of destruction have already begun, as have the stories of others impacted by the absence of a small percentage of a small percentage of the government. These “human interest” stories are a staple of everything liberals do – appealing to feelings is much easier than making a logical argument when your policies make no logical sense.

Rather than being sucked into answering for every sad tale of woe, most of which are fed to reporters by liberal activists and Democratic operatives, Republicans have to stand strong and refuse to take the bait. Respond to these inquiries with simple, obvious truths like, “It’s sad what’s happening. I wish Democrats had kept the House in session this weekend so we could work together to end this, but they have no interest in negotiation. So maybe you should ask them about it.”

The big question is, will traditionally wobbly Republicans stand fast?

And the answer is a mystery.   MORE

13 Comments on Beware the Wobbly Republicans

  1. The squishy Republicans can’t throw it back in their face. They fall for the trick that they alone should feel guilty and do what democrats want.

    Just like Jeff Flake.

  2. “the Lisa Murkowskis of the world…”

    Lisa IS NOT A REPUBLICAN! She is an Obama/Rove/Bush independent. The Republican in the election was Named Joe Miller. THE UNIPARTY elected the “independent” Lisa defeating the Republican Joe!

    I will grant she is a GWB Republican. Forget not that GWB told us all to vote Clinton in Oct ’16; not just once but repeatedly. Had Obama/Rove/Bush operatives not worked very hard AK would have elected a Republican.

    For emphasis The Republican in the race lost to a Bush/Obama UNIPARTY girl! She did not win as a Republican!

  3. McCarthy is already showing his spinelessness with King’s removal from committees because context has no meaning any more. I’m not hopeful he won’t cave on everything.

  4. The newly awoken badass Miss Lindsey is already counselling Trump to open the government. His true colors bleed through the first time any strain is placed on him.
    Ryans replacement McCarthy is truly a goofy dork, he has no business holding that position. The first one to begin the backstabbing.

  5. …let us take a minute to thank God that Songbird McCain is gone to his reward and no longer available to be the media’s go-to “republican” to attack the President at this critical time…

    And, as always, to thank the Lord for President Trump, but still more for NOT President Hillary, because just imagine where we’d be today with…HER…

  6. Running “unnamed wobbly Republicans” is only meant to give cover for the Kasich-Romney wing to chime in. That is all.

    Fools rush in where fools have been before.

  7. Whew, for a second there I thought you were talking about Wobblies, members of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the world) who were radical progressivists a hundred or so ago but their tainted legacy still remains to this day. Better to call them linguini spined cowards or squishes who won’t stand up for anything and will bend over backwards to appease the democraps in order to be so called respectable. Screw that, grow some balls and stand up for what you say you believe in and tell the democraps to go to Hell.

  8. SNS: Between Flake, Love and Kasich, the only out of power leftover we’re missing is Corker getting his own show.

    It can’t be that hard to find a high chair.

  9. “The big question is, will traditionally wobbly Republicans stand fast?

    And the answer is a mystery.”

    No. And there is no mystery, it’s dead certain we will be betrayed again.


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