Photos From Vatican Walls to Obama’s Fence – 20 Barriers Around the World – IOTW Report

Photos From Vatican Walls to Obama’s Fence – 20 Barriers Around the World


As President Trump requests full funding for a border wall along the United States-Mexico border, elected Democrats continue to claim that walls are “immoral” and “racist.”


From the walls surrounding Vatican City to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) iron fence, below,  Breitbart News breaks down 20 walls, fences, and barriers from around the world.

1. The Walls of Vatican City and St. Peter’s Square

Though Pope Francis has routinely blasted the enforcement of international borders, Vatican City and St. Peter’s Square are completely walled off from Italy.

2. Hillary Clinton’s Home Privacy Fence in Chappaqua

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lives peacefully in her upstate Chappaqua, New York home, which is walled off from the general public by a giant white privacy wall. Passersby can barely get a glimpse of Clinton’s home, as she the wall stretches across the front, and trees act as a natural barrier for security.

3. Israel’s Border Fence

Israel has had one of the most effective border fences and walls in the world, decreasing illegal immigration to the country by 100 percent after it was constructed and built.

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13 Comments on Photos From Vatican Walls to Obama’s Fence – 20 Barriers Around the World

  1. Democrats have turned the American Dream into the American Scheme.

    Bad enough that they’ve convinced (and ruined) inner city blacks for the past 60 years that all they have to do is vote for them and they’ll all be on the gravy train. Now, they have to IMPORT even DUMBER people to work the system, and keep them in power.

    I can just hear Pelosi paraphrasing LBJ…”We’ll have them beaners voting Democrat for 200 years.”

  2. …the Vatican built that wall in the 9th Century to keep Muslim marauders, who had previously wrecked St. Peter’s, at bay.

    Since then, no Muslim pillaging.

    …Seems like walls work…

  3. …Hillary needs no wall…just the threat of possibly encountering that nasty thing shambling drunkenly through the woods is threat enough to keep MOST folks at bay…they just need to re-do those “bear zone” signs with a Hillary silhouette, that would be sufficient…

    …if you DO happen to be in the woods in Chappaquiddick and the smell of urine, whiskey, and rancid cottage cheese gets stronger, say you’re prayers because you’re about to, uh, “suicide”…

  4. …the “beware of bears” thing for Hillary would work for the “Obamas” too, seeing as how you are at high risk of encountering a very large, angry man dressed as a rather garish woman at any time when on the grounds, like a Yeti but hairier, and oh, so very real…

    …word has it that it was angered when it lost its million dollar vacations, and it vengefully roams its reduced estate in hopes of finding a hapless victim to eat, or worse…

    ..the fence may well be there to keep it INSIDE, until the Democrats steal the White House anew…only then can it be freed to wreak their wrath on a nation that they want to cower in fear to them…

  5. …the Gates wall just reminds me of a joke that concerns his just rewards…and yes, there is debatable theology here, but it’s a joke, NOT a Bible study, so just roll with it…

    …Bill Gates dies and goes before St. Peter, who seems puzzled as to what to do with him.

    “Bill, it seems that you have done some very good things for mankind, and some very bad things to mankind. Because of this, I am told to show you Heaven and Hell, and let you choose which one you want to go to.”

    Bill says, “Let me see Hell first”.

    Peter takes him immediately to Hell, where he is standing in a cool garden next to a lovely pool that is populated by scantily clad bikini models, all imploring him to join them and they will blue his screen for him. Bill’s pretty excited about this and almost makes his choice there, but says, “Well, I really SHOULD see Heaven too before I decide”.

    Peter then immediately takes him to Heaven. There are angels singing, happy relatives in spotless robes waving gleefully at him, and a glorious, shining city illuminated by the light of God.

    …Bill looks at this for awhile and says, “It’s nice, but I think I like Hell better. I’ve made up my mind, please send me to Hell.”

    He disappears immediately.

    ..a couple of weeks later, St. Peter decides to go visit him to see how he’s doing. He finds Bill chained to an iron wall engulfed in flames while demons busily rend his flesh and rip him apart. Screaming, Bill says, “This is not the Hell I thought I was getting! Where’s the pool, the breeze, the girls?”

    Peter smiles gently, and says, “Oh, that was the DEMO version. THIS is the actual release. I think you of all people are familiar with how THAT works…

  6. Just returned from Chile, visiting my daughter in December. Chile is “super picky” about who they let into their country. Mind you, they do have the Atacama Desert in the North, the Andes to the East, the Pacific Ocean to the West and Cape Horn to the south. As well, had various ports of call enroute. In Peru, there are numerous walls with either rolls of barbed wire or broken glass embedded into the tops of the walls. Even in the poorer districts, people had walls around their homes or apartment buildings. There are a lot of “Not Nice” people in this world.

  7. “There are a lot of “Not Nice” people in this world.”

    …and Democrats head the list, hands down, @Big Momma, so any wall THEY don’t like HAS to be a good one…

  8. The constitution was a wall to protect us from people who’d use the institutions of government for self-aggrandizement. At the beginning of the progressive era people like Woodrow Wilson said that that wall was obsolete because humanity had evolved beyond needing the wall of protection against self-serving corrupt people.

    The border protects our sovereignty so that we can live our lives in peace from self-serving corrupt people. The progressives entire project is to destroy all protections and defences against their self-aggrandizing use of the government for their own personal enrichment.

  9. The pics of deblasio’s wall were taken in 2013, before he illegally raised the height of the wall by 4 feet in 2014.
    Apparently permits and permission aren”t really necessary when it comes to walls.
    “A new “privacy fence” around the mayoral residence adds about 4 feet to the barrier already there. The de Blasio administration failed to secure the proper permits to build the fence around Gracie Mansion in Carl Schurz Park. The administration also bypassed the Public Design Commission for review which is also legally required.”
    more of the ‘me and thee’ schtick

  10. I really like the meme of President Trump at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
    His hand is on the wall and the caption says: “I’m going to build you a brother”
    If/when I see it again, I’ll post it here.

  11. Calling them out and showing them their hypocrisy will only be met with a scoff –
    and probably a guffaw.

    They all KNOW that they are hypocrites!
    Socialism IS hypocrisy WRIT LARGE!
    Their sycophantic, ass-licking, sheep-to-the-shearing, followers know it.

    Their hope, and main chance, is that the ignorant, bleating, sheep-to-the-slaughter DON’T know it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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