Anonymous Twitter Guy Is A Better Reporter Than Jim Acosta – IOTW Report

Anonymous Twitter Guy Is A Better Reporter Than Jim Acosta

DC: This is bad, you guys, and you might have missed it.

An anonymous Twitter user spent his Friday night absolutely dismembering the border diary of CNN’s Jim Acosta. Acosta, for his part, spent Thursday filing short video diaries from McAllen, Texas.

One such video — featuring Acosta standing near a barrier — drew jeers from a few reporters on Twitter and even from President Donald Trump himself.

His last video, shot by a portion of the border with no fence, was seemingly a direct response to President Donald Trump’s criticism. As if to make the idea of border security seem like a joke, Acosta playfully pointed out a shuffleboard court adjacent from the US border.



For a Twitter user going by the handle “Techno Fog,” enough was enough. Either Acosta didn’t know, or he chose not to say, that the waterfront town he was reporting from is basically a Border Patrol firm base with a geographically advantageous position.  MORE

15 Comments on Anonymous Twitter Guy Is A Better Reporter Than Jim Acosta

  1. I remember being there for the first time around 15 years ago. I remember looking from the border bridge and seeing a Mexican fishing (for brown trout?) in the Rio Grande between Mission, TX and Reynosa. Concerned that he may be trying to cross, I looked at the US shore and saw border patrol vehicles and multiple agents there, watching him.

  2. Acosta isn’t embarrassed by the facts.
    He has very high name recognition which converts to salary at CNN.

    When describing Acosta, the words half wit, lunatic, fool and fake journalist are in the same sentence.

    He is an embarrassment to his family and the Cuban community.

  3. You mean “anonymous guy who got banned from Twitter”, right? He can’t possibly deliver this much truth without being banned. Unless even the Twitter mods like seeing Acosta get pantsed.

  4. Lowell- In order to keep the conversation in line, you have to link to your own previous comment and then write the next comment with it. As if you are replying to yourself. That way it’s in a chain that makes some sort of sense.

  5. “Is there a reason there is so much repetition of the tweets running down that page on TDC?”

    Forget it Lowell…it’s Twittersplaining. If the tweets weren’t trancribed and editorialized before we read the actual tweet, we wouldn’t understand what’s going on.🙄

  6. RightWinger — That’d make a great meme.

    Acosta reporting from a busy intersection where there are no accidents, saying that we don’t need medical first responders and ambulances.

    …reporting from a Kansas suburb on a sunny, calm day — decrying the need for tornado warnings.

  7. “Jim is actually looking at the Agents, less than 100 feet away and their boats, equipped with big guns.” CBP are there SO much they’re shown in Google maps! What do you call a person who lies like this?


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