DA calls Pittsburgh Gun-Control Plan Illegal, City Council Moves Forward Anyway – IOTW Report

DA calls Pittsburgh Gun-Control Plan Illegal, City Council Moves Forward Anyway

WFB: A Pittsburgh City Council member told a local radio show on Tuesday the city would move forward with passing new gun-control legislation despite a warning from a local district attorney that it would violate state law.

“We believe we’re on the right side of history,” Pittsburgh City Council member Corey O’Connor told KDKA. “We’re doing what’s right for not only our city but we think it’s what’s right across the country and nobody’s going to stop us from doing that.”

The City Council is currently considering legislation that would ban certain kinds of firearms like the AR-15, bump stocks, and magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds, and so-called armor-piercing bullets within city limits, as well as implement Extreme Risk Protection Orders allowing law enforcement to seize firearms from individual residents in certain circumstances. Gun-rights groups have already vowed to fight the proposed legislation in court because they believe it violates a state law forbidding localities in Pennsylvania from creating their own gun-control ordinances.

Last week, Allegheny County district attorney Stephen Zappala wrote a letter to the City Council outlining his belief the proposed ordinances would be illegal.  MORE

7 Comments on DA calls Pittsburgh Gun-Control Plan Illegal, City Council Moves Forward Anyway

  1. …they’re hoping they can just Flynn everybody by taking their stuff and putting them in jail until they spend all their money on lawyers against unlimited government resources and are forced to surrender.

    Laws only matter if you can afford to fight.

    Most people can’t.

    And they in the Government know it.

  2. …sure would be nice if it was illegal to tell people you are knowingly violating their Constitutional rights because you know better that the Constitution does, as Corey O’Connor states. Even if you COULD sue him, it would come out of his taxpayer-provided insurance, so it wouldn’t punish HIM at ALL.

    …I wonder if HE has any guns, though, these hypocrites usually DO…

    Generally speaking, it’s not that they oppose guns. It’s that they oppose YOUR guns. A lot easier to push unarmed people into the cattle cars, you see…


  3. If he wasn’t a hypocrite he’d insist that the Police forces be disarmed first.

    Particularly his security detail. They should be taught to hold up their right hand, palm out, and repeat “Nay, nay, stranger stay away!” until the threat is neutralized.

    But I have no doubt, whatsoever, that he’s a filthy, screaming hypocrite.

    Arm the “government” and dis-arm the sovereign – doesn’t even make bad sense.
    A DC Chief of Police once (remarkably) said: “We cannot defend; we can only apprehend.” And elected officials and Police cannot be held to account for crime (!) even though that is the concept behind the lie of disarmament.

    Lambs to the slaughter.
    AND the Lambs chose it!
    Wobbles the mind!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The DA is as big a demtard as they come, and it clearly PAINS him to note, that the Pennsylvania AND U.S. Constitutions TRUMP Three Dollar Bill’s ‘good vibrations.’ 😆

    CORKY (O’ Connor – former mayor’s son, and OUR Irish equivalent of Occasional-Cortex 🙄 ), plans on pushing ahead, FULL retard. 🙄

    Go get ’em, Corky! :dumbass: If your dad was still alive, he’d trade you for a pet monkey…

  5. “We’re doing what’s right for not only our city but we think it’s what’s right across the country and nobody’s going to stop us from doing that.”

    Everyone is always righteous in their own mind, even Satan.

    But there are higher authorities that may see things different.


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