Whitaker Promises Continued Government Support for Religious Freedom – IOTW Report

Whitaker Promises Continued Government Support for Religious Freedom

WFB: In rare public remarks, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker spoke at an event celebrating religious freedom Wednesday.

Whitaker delivered the keynote address on “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act At 25: How It Fosters Peaceful Pluralism,” held at the Heritage Foundation to celebrate 25 years since the act was passed.

Whitaker noted that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) had passed the House unanimously and the Senate by a 97-3 vote. Then-Rep. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), now the Senate minority leader, was the one to offer the bill in the House.

The 1993 federal law provides protections from federal coercion to Americans seeking to sincerely practice their faith.

“Religious freedom has made this country stronger,” Whitaker said. He noted that its beneficiaries, those practicing their faiths through their actions, feed the hungry and assist with the humanitarian crisis on the southern border.  read more

5 Comments on Whitaker Promises Continued Government Support for Religious Freedom

  1. “The 1993 federal law provides protections from federal coercion to Americans seeking to sincerely practice their faith.”

    A “law” that protects us from government usurpation of our God given right. Unnecessary if the SCOTUS and Congress were worth a damn.

    What’s missing and obviously needed is a LAW that all laws apply equally to us as to our ‘rulers’. That, and that all laws are Constitutional. Duh, but they’re not. So many lawyers, none of them worth spit.

  2. Agree with all the above. Like I said so many lawyers in this country and NONE of them are worth spit.

    Almost ALL US legislators, even your state ones are lawyers.
    And for the first time in US history NONE of the SCOTUS justices are military veterans.

    Kick them ALL to the curb and replace them with citizens. One term and out.


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