Meanwhile, in Cuba… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, in Cuba…

‘They Are Starving Us to Death’: Cubans Protest Food Shortages.

Cubans from the eastern city of Holguín defied state security forces to protest the widespread food shortages still plaguing the communist-controlled island in a video published Wednesday.

The video showed street vendors defying police who tried to confiscate their food, mainly by throwing their products on the ground so that locals could pick it up and eat it. Their protest was consequently backed up by a number of passers-by, who went out to help street vendors and demanded authorities not confiscate what they had for sale.  MORE@ Breitbart.



Pompeo: U.S. May Allow Americans to Sue Cuba for Property Stolen in the Revolution.

The State Department announced Wednesday it has begun the process of considering allowing U.S. citizens to sue the government of Cuba for property stolen in the mass “nationalization” theft shortly following the Cuban Revolution.

U.S. citizens possess this right under the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, commonly referred to as the Helms-Burton Act. The law also allows American citizens to sue any foreign corporation that conducts business in the United States for profits they have made in using stolen property, threatening corporations like Carnival Cruises, which inked a deal during the Obama era to use stolen ports in Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Individuals who were not American citizens at the time of the Revolution may also use the law to bring cases to U.S. courts.  more here

10 Comments on Meanwhile, in Cuba…

  1. Gee … y’mean that, like, uhh, y’know, that if the gummint can control every aspect of your life, they can, like, uhh, y’know, deny you food, and shit, in order to keep you in line?

    Thas, like, y’know, awesome, and shit …
    We should do that in New York … oh, yeah, we’re already trying that …

    If it works so well with food, how bout Health Care?

    izlamo delenda est …


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