“I am at war with the mainstream media because they portray themselves as objective observers of reality, when they’re no such thing.” – IOTW Report

“I am at war with the mainstream media because they portray themselves as objective observers of reality, when they’re no such thing.”

I am at war with the mainstream media because they portray themselves as objective observers of reality, when they’re no such thing. They’re partisan critical theory hacks…  They have nothing but contempt for the American people. – Andrew Breitbart

American Spectator:

Andrew Breitbart loathed the mainstream media. If you have any doubt about this fact, watch the following videos. He was disgusted by them and wasn’t shy about saying it .He called out the liars and frauds to their faces.

He knew, to his core, the mendacity pointed at ideological enemies of Leftist dogma. He ran flank for Tea Party leaders who were being investigated by every government department including the IRS, FBI, EPA, and more. He loved these people who the elites in both parties hated. He defended them.  MORE



h/t Forcibly Deranged.

14 Comments on “I am at war with the mainstream media because they portray themselves as objective observers of reality, when they’re no such thing.”

  1. We should all be at war with the MSM because they are in bed with the democRATs so deep I don’t know if the Media owns the RATz or the RATz own them! The only thing I know is that they are one in the same. I haven’t heard this much propaganda since I listened to Radio Moscow in the 70s and they are about as truthful as Pravda!

  2. Bob M – I haven’t trusted the ‘big’ media since I saw what they started doing with the Nixon/Kennedy debacle er um ‘debate’ – sickness (cronkite) merely put the cherry on top of their bs sundae and they have been slinging it ever since.

  3. The media have been warring on us for decades. It’s past time we fight back.

    Andrew Breitbart, Joan Rivers, SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia… (please add to this list)

    Their suspicious deaths should not be for naught.

  4. The murder of Breitbart, followed by the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama was the low point of my life. Recovering from that took a few years.

    I still suspect Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. I remember Andrew speaking of attending a dinner party at their home a month before his mysterious death. Never understood why he attended.

  5. Trump is dead right in calling the media the enemy of the people. And their outrage proves he is spot on.
    Attending a Trump rally I’ve seen first hand how they look at the crowd- disdain, hatred. anger and disgust. And they wonder why the crowd always chants CNN sucks.


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