Starbucks’ Howard Schultz: America Exists for Immigrants, Not Americans – IOTW Report

Starbucks’ Howard Schultz: America Exists for Immigrants, Not Americans

Breitbart: Starbucks investor Howard Schultz wants to get elected president and to amnesty at least 11 million illegal migrants in the United States.

But his justification for the amnesty includes no rules or principles that would prevent his huge amnesty from expanding into an open-borders policy which would benefit investors at the expense of white-collar and blue-collar Americans, said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigraiton Studies.

Schultz told 60 Minutes:

The country, first and foremost, is based on humanity, fairness, goodness. We have been for 200 plus years a country of immigrants, and for the 11 million people here, unauthorized, there should be a fair and equitable way for them to get in line, pay the taxes, pay a fee and become citizens of the United States.

“What I hear is not only platitudes about immigration and cliches about an amnesty being earned …  but a complete ignorance and disregard for the effects on Americans of unlimited immigration,” said Vaughan.

Shultz’s statement suggests that “there is no such thing as an American, and that America is just a collection of anyone who wants to come, rather than a nation with laws and unique culture … He is speaking as if the concept of an American nation is obsolete or never was there to begin with.”

Shultz also seems to think that Americans have nothing to say about immigration, she said. His statement “is all about the immigrants, and not about what is the best policy for our country.” For Schultz, “there is just no downside to unlimited immigration.”

The perspective is common among bankers and investors, such as Schultz, because they gain economically when the federal government imports welfare-aided consumers and cheap workers. Overall, investors tend to prioritize economic growth above Americans’ concerns about wages and salaries, crime and real estate costs, civic harmony, and government priorities.

For example, Politico posted a January 28 article about the political priorities of the nation’s leading bankers who describe themselves as “centrists” even as they push for more cheap labor migration:

“I’m a socially liberal, fiscally conservative centrist who would love to vote for a rational Democrat and get Trump out of the White House,” said the CEO of one of the nation’s largest banks, who, like a dozen other executives interviewed for this story, declined to be identified by name for fear of angering a volatile president. “Personally, I’d love to see [billionaire investor Mike] Bloomberg run and get the nomination. I’ve just never thought he could get the nomination the way the primary process works.”

Across Wall Street and more in executive suites across the nation, corporate titans are trying to figure out how to navigate the 2020 presidential election. While some executives remain supportive of Trump — especially in industries like energy given the president’s approach to climate change — many recoil at his chaotic approach to governance and harsh approach to trade and immigration …

After mentioning Bloomberg, Wall Street executives who want Trump out list a consistent roster of appealing nominees that includes former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Kamala Harris of California. Others meriting mention: former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, though fewally know his positions.


21 Comments on Starbucks’ Howard Schultz: America Exists for Immigrants, Not Americans

  1. The same people that would say something like that would also say we are all immigrants while ignoring that they are establishing a difference between Americans and immigrants.

    In any event, I really hope Schultz makes a very serious run for President, I see nothing lost by it on the right side of the aisle and much lost by it on the left.

  2. pay the taxes, pay a fee and become citizens of the United States

    They come for welfare, not to pay taxes or fees. Most have no interest in becoming citizens, certainly most have no interest in assimilating.

    If you want a fair and equitable way for the >11 million illegals, simply cut off welfare. That’s fair for them and it’s fair for current US citizens, above all it’s equitable. Do you really think illegals risk their lives crossing the border in order to pay taxes and fees and become US citizens?

    Also fine all the organizations that openly pander to illegals.

  3. Tried Starsucks coffee ONCE back in 1998. It was the worst swill I have ever tasted. It’s the coffee version of The Emperor Has No Clothes. Because Clinton drank it all the cool kids wanted to drink it too.

  4. According to him we all now live in the United States of Immigration. We are all now called Immigrant Citizens instead of American Citizens! Hi there, what country are you from “I am from Immigration land of the multi-cultural wet dream”!

  5. The most interesting thing about this Covfefe Salesman is how unwelcome he is in the Demographic Party. Who would have believed that someone equating Illegal aliens with Americans would be so unpopular with the Socialist-Democrats? Run, Howard, run!

  6. Every Starbucks should collapse from the weight of their stupid policies. It would be analogous to what those stupid ideas would do to the entire country if implemented. The shock might awaken the moronic masses.

    If grandparents would just stop providing free childcare to their grandchildren, then the spoiled snowflakes they begat and still support financially wouldn’t have the money for their daily contributions to this unsustainable BS. In just one month, all their CCs would be maxed out and Starbucks income would grind to near zero instantly.

  7. I don’t care if he runs- it might even be a good idea. I won’t vote for him. If he runs as a democrat, he will screw up the primaries and debates. If he runs as an independent, I might circulate petitions to get his name on the election ballots. But I won’t vote for him.

  8. Like it or not he was smart when he came on the scene and changed a cup of coffee from, well a cup of coffee to a code to show the world how hip and cool this customer was. Non-fat, half slim, half macchiodo, double shot, caramel, no foam, chocolate drizzle large tells all the people around that you’re cool and have arrived. Having your name shouted out so you can walk to the counter with all eyes on you to pick up your $6.00 coffee(?) is just another trick to make the customer feel superior. The thing is I wonder just how many of his staff are illegals with no health, no vacation, no benefits and being paid minimum wage and the loss of these would seriously damage the bottom line as would people realizing they aren’t ordering a cup of coffee they’re ordering a 500 calorie, $6 dessert.

    I’ve said it before Trump needs to order his AG to start charging and sending to prison a few of the CEO’s of companies that have been found to knowingly employ illegals. The practice stop almost overnight.

  9. @toby miles January 29, 2019 at 2:56 pm

    > If he runs as an independent, I might circulate petitions to get his name on the election ballots.

    As an Independent, Schultz is gonna’ get an army of the most deplorably hard workin’ campaign volunteers, since… ever! None of whom will, ever, vote for him. We need a secret handshake. So we know who to smirk at on election night.

  10. He’s a member of the tribe. You knew it would out itself sooner or later. The end of white, Christian heritage America so that they can assume dominance. Age-old conflict.


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