Mark Dice: Hillary’s Running AGAIN in 2020? – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: Hillary’s Running AGAIN in 2020?

14 Comments on Mark Dice: Hillary’s Running AGAIN in 2020?

  1. Just using the word “running” while describing hillary clinton is funny. She can barely walk on her own and she doesn’t do stairs by herself at all. What’s her platform, hammering home all of MSNBC’s anti-Trump talking points? Too funny!

  2. I find it amazing that they manage to keep Hillary alive and functional.

    Were she President I doubt she would be, I don’t think she could take the stress of the job.

  3. I can’t wait for Hillary Stumbleton to announce her candidacy. If she thinks she’ll be treated with deference by the new breed of Democrats, she’s in for a rude awakening. I think she’ll try to railroad Biden into another VP slot.


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