Sabine Durden : Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres – IOTW Report

Sabine Durden : Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

DC: As the mother to a son killed by an illegal immigrant felon, I am so glad that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was able to find time in her busy schedule to hang out with celebrity chef Jose Andres and distribute free gourmet meals to furloughed federal workers in Washington, D.C.

Pelosi was too busy to meet with me or any of the other angel mothers who came to Capitol Hill a week earlier to share our stolen loved one’s stories. Apparently, pressing duties kept her from hearing about our experience with the border crisis that let our children’s killers into our country and then protected them from deportation.

But I understand. It was far more important for the speaker of the House to meet with the real victims of the crisis on the southern border: the federal employees who have missed one or, in some cases, two paychecks. After all, what is the loss of a son or a daughter or a husband compared to a delay in paying government workers?

As I look at the jar of my son’s ashes that I carried with me to Washington in the hopes of meeting with Pelosi, I am at least thankful that the speaker was able to use the power of her office to bring attention to the plight of government workers, who need that publicity more than any of us Angel families.

It means even more to me that she was able to get them a photo-op with Jose Andres at a time when she refused to even meet with President Trump to discuss reopening the government and funding the border security that could prevent more tragedies like the ones we angel mothers had to endure.

Angel families can just move on, forget about our loss, and stop worrying about the chance of the same fate befalling more innocent Americans. Now that government funding has been restored for three weeks, furloughed government workers can receive their back pay and move on quite well.  more here

9 Comments on Sabine Durden : Nancy Pelosi Was Too Busy To Meet About My Dead Son, But Not To Hang Out With Jose Andres

  1. …what, you mean it’s not possible to chase Congresspersons into their private elevators to scream at them unless they make some prior arrangement to let you do so?

    Who knew?

  2. Politicians do what gets them elected and reelected.

    Nothing else if it doesn’t serve that purpose.

    Notice that Pelosi has been reelected many times by doing this, anything else would potentially work against that.

  3. It’s a simple reason actually. She doesn’t give a fuck about anyone in this country except for her own.

    And with each increasingly frequent facelift, she has less and less skin in the game.

    Gavin Newsom skipped a Sacramento cop’s funeral who was killed by an illegal to attend a fucking basketball game and their union still supports him.

  4. Nancy is not interested because your dead son can’t donate to the Pelosi reelection for life fund.
    He can still vote for her though, if he registered Democrat before being murdered.


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