US Quietly Plans To Make Asylum Seekers Wait In Mexico — Mexico Not So Sure – IOTW Report

US Quietly Plans To Make Asylum Seekers Wait In Mexico — Mexico Not So Sure

DC: A new Trump administration policy began Tuesday that would force asylum seekers coming from Mexico to wait in that country while their cases go through U.S. immigration courts.

On the first day of the policy, which currently applies only to San Diego’s San Ysidro border crossing, a 55-year-old Honduran man, Carlos Gomez, became the first asylum seeker to be returned to Mexico. Gomez reportedly asked to be taken to a migrant shelter in Tijuana.

The AP called the shift “one of the most dramatic changes to the U.S. immigration system of Donald Trump’s presidency.”

The Mexican government, however, is sending “mixed signals” on whether or not it will accept families with minor children, according to the AP report. Tonatiuh Guillen, the country’s National Immigration Institute commissioner, states that only individuals from 18 to 60 years old will be accepted. However, Mexico’s foreign relations secretary spokesman, Roberto Velasco, said families would be considered on a case-by-case basis.  more

8 Comments on US Quietly Plans To Make Asylum Seekers Wait In Mexico — Mexico Not So Sure

  1. Trump won’t win a second term, or be very effective during the rest of this one, if he doesn’t get that border wall built and does it in time to prove it effective at stopping the majority of illegals.

    So much depends on Mexico, if they don’t agree to keep the migrants there, and they won’t for very long if at all, they will be the ones that determine (de facto) the outcome of the next Presidential election.

    Trump screwed up big time when he made the border wall his key campaign issue it’s the issue that got him elected and failure on it makes him impotent against the victors that blocked him.

    I’m betting there isn’t going to be any wall, and a less than 50-50 chance of a second term unless the Democrats screw their advantage up and run someone really, really bad (the way they did with Hillary).

  2. “Why are all the left wing “concern trolls” polluting comment boards named Anonymous?”

    Maybe because they don’t want a trackable profile about them being built from their posts.

    A degree of insurance against future political persecution for their views when they conflict with the State approved ones.


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