Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to Cherokee Nation for DNA Test – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to Cherokee Nation for DNA Test

Breitbart: Senator and presidential contender Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) recently apologized to the head of the Cherokee Nation for taking a DNA test to prove her Native American lineage.

Warren on Thursday phoned Bill John Baker, who serves as the Cherokee Nation’s principal chief, to apologize for her decision to take the test in what was a “brief and private” discussion, according to Julie Hubbard, a press representative for the tribe. “I understand that she apologized for causing confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and the harm that has resulted,” said Hubbard. “The chief and secretary of state appreciate that she has reaffirmed that she is not a Cherokee Nation citizen or a citizen of any tribal nation.”

The conversation comes as Warren is slated to formally launch her run for the White House after launching a presidential exploratory committee in late December.

The DNA test was conducted by Stanford University professor Carlos D. Bustamante, confirmed that Warren’s ancestry is mostly European, with a minor trace of Native American ancestry. The results, published October 16, showed a potentially Native ancestor to Warren lived approximately six to 10 generations ago, which would make her at the very least only 1/152th  Native American.  more here

14 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to Cherokee Nation for DNA Test

  1. …okay, you apoligize for being a fake Indian. Now off to jail with you for defrauding Harvard and your voters about it.

    …and while there, you can apologize for ever claiming to be an American, too. Fuck DNA, your ACTIONS tell me you don’t qualify for THAT tribe, EITHER…

  2. I’m sure she’ll be writing a big check to the Nation to make up for the lie that led to the millions she received over the years that didn’t go to an actual native.

  3. “… and the harm that has resulted.”

    What “harm?”
    Are you shittin me?
    She proved herself to be a liar – nothing more, nothing less.

    No fuckin indians were harmed in the making of this lie.

    Everybody (ceptin white (heterosexual) men) can feign offense for anything?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just wrapping up loose ends so she can go forward with a fresh set of lies in the primaries.

    It’s an old Democrat tradition to fall on the plastic sword and take the sting out of the opposition’s damning accusations. Her highness-ness, hillary, did the same thing by declaring that all of her baggage had been thoroughly rummaged through and that every “new” revelation was really just “old news.” So, move on, G-dammit! Get a life and don’t be so boring by talking about all my old stuff! (Never mind that none of it has actually been ajudicated in an actual courtroom — but the NYTs ran some really favorable opinion pieces by David Brooks).

  5. “…which would make her at the very least only 1/152th Native American.”

    the lies continue. That would be the _most_ she could be, not the least.
    That type of stuff goes right by most people. And they know it, as they do it.
    ‘Oh, it isn’t really that bad.’
    Yes, it is. She is a lying, fraudulent bitch.


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