Texas Dioceses Publicly Name 286 Clerics ‘Credibly Accused’ Of Sex Abuse – IOTW Report

Texas Dioceses Publicly Name 286 Clerics ‘Credibly Accused’ Of Sex Abuse

DC: Texas Catholic dioceses released a list of 286 clerics “credibly accused” of sexual abuse in fulfillment of their October pledge to name the accused by January’s end.

The list is comprised of data from 14 dioceses across Texas whose bishops pledged, in the wake of Pennsylvania’s grand jury report on clergy sex abuse, to examine church documents and publicly out those credibly accused. The list, released Thursday, includes accusations dating back to the 1950s.

The Archdiocese of San Antonio released the most names of “credibly accused” priests with a total of 56. The Diocese of Laredo, by comparison, had no names to contribute, as it was established in 2000, only two years before the U.S. Catholic Church implemented new policies for preventing and reporting child sexual abuse.  more here

9 Comments on Texas Dioceses Publicly Name 286 Clerics ‘Credibly Accused’ Of Sex Abuse

  1. Only 286, that’s 286 too many. I could never be a Catholic having a priest tell me how I should behave in order to please God. And besides I don’t believe in Purgatory (Curgatory if you’re a dog), what a bunch of nonsense getting people to believe that God has a halfway house between Heaven and Hell after you die.

  2. I am appalled. That is a huge number.
    I am reminded, however, that ANY group that has control over others draws into it those who wish to abuse the system. Public and private Schools have dealt and continue to deal with this kind of pervert over the years, and I am glad that the Roman Catholic Church is beginning to really get serious about removing the evil that resides within it’s walls.

  3. Huh. That’s a little over 20 per diocese in TX. What was the average number of sexual abuse victims per cleric? What are the world RC diocese and cleric counts?

    And does anybody have a good reason why I shouldn’t extrapolate?

  4. One of the boy diddlers on the list was the priest at our local Catholic church years ago. Father Frank Paduch is his name and the Catholic church knew he was a pedo. I Googled him years ago and read plenty about his pedo history. The church protected that bastard so they are just as guilty as he is. By the way, our local TV station showed the list on the evening newscast last night and there his name was. Father Frank Paduch.


    The Catholic church, MAKES IT UP, AS THEY GO ALONG and have been adding layers upon layers of bureaucracy since the time of Jesus’s death.

    Since Jesus never left us specific instructions about the need and the benefits of:
    Stations of the Cross
    Praying to Mary
    Praying to Saints
    The ins and outs of Purgatory
    The ins and outs of Limbo
    The hocus-pocus powers of scapulars
    Which prayers bail us out of trouble the best
    The legal process of which sins are actually venial vs. mortal etc.
    Who has more power and how to they wield it? Jesus, The Father, Holy Spirit?
    How many “Our Fathers” and “Hail Mary’s” does it really take to wipe out sin?

    I mean c’mon man you need 10 legal theologians to decipher Catholic dogma which gives them a permanent job to be between you and God.

    They brainwash followers into believing that any challenge to their authority is a disloyal challenge to God the Almighty, so the sheep even allow child rape to happen under their noses and say nothing not to look disloyal. “It’s Satan trying to tear the church apart!”

    Walk away losers. There ain’t nothing holy about this boy-rape cult.


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