Crumby Art – IOTW Report

Crumby Art

The Federalist: “Ivanka Vacuuming” is now a thing in the nation’s capital. Because art, or something.

The exhibit, on display at CulturalDC’s former Flashpoint Gallery in Washington, D.C., is a piece of “performance art” where an Ivanka Trump lookalike wearing a pink dress with bows and stiletto shoes vacuums crumbs off a plush, pink carpet. To make the spectacle interactive, onlookers are encouraged to take crumbs from a pedestal and throw them at her to vacuum up.

“Inspired by a figure whose public persona incorporates an almost comically wide range of feminine identities – daughter, wife, mother, sister, model, working woman, blonde – Ivanka Vacuuming is simultaneously a visual celebration of a contemporary feminine icon; a portrait of our own relationship to that figure; and a questioning of our complicity in her role-playing,” a press release on the project reads. “The public is invited to throw crumbs onto the carpet, watching as Ivanka elegantly vacuums up the mess, her smile never wavering. This process repeats itself for the entire duration of the performance.”

The irony, of course, is that the exhibit reflects every stereotype feminists claim to stand against, oversexualizing Ivanka’s body and ignoring her hard work. (One can only imagine the feminist rage if it were, say, Michelle Obama on display.)  MORE

27 Comments on Crumby Art

  1. “Art Exhibit Invites People To Throw Trash At Vacuuming Ivanka Trump Lookalike”

    seems only fair that some of us can hide behind the display AND SHOOT MUTHER FXCKERS IN THE FACE. deep breath. O.K. I feel better now. don’t call the cops, I’m good.

  2. I wish that Ivanka would go to see this so called art and buy all the crumbs and stand there and throw big hand fulls of crumbs all over the place and make the model work her ass off to keep up,while she was laughing her self silly.

  3. I don’t know that I like Ivanka’s politics. I don’t know that I’ve ever been told the truth though. She sure as hell has her dads golden touch. One thing for damn sure is she a capitalist. Can she vacuum a room better than housekeeping? I’m saying yes. Can she drive a D9. Yes she can.

  4. Big mike could have groomed kids for lice. Set your youngun up on the bench and ol mike would worth through their hair in notime! Pesky lice aren’t a problem when big mike is on the job

  5. With their cynicism in mind, I wonder why no such “artist” didn’t take their shot and do Hillary.

    Imagine a Lewinsky lookalike having the cumshot cleaned off her blue dress by a politically determined First Lady using her dampened washcloth (that she used on her server) while Bubba the POTUS is sheepishly sitting on the floor, under his desk, in rumpled boxers that have lipstick lips mouthing “loverboy”.

    That would be thought-provoking, Republic-defending, ART, I’d say!

  6. Ghost of Brigadier General J. Glover — MANY THANKS for that great link ! Looking at the big picture — Beauty matters, not just individually, but also in keeping Western Civilization alive.

    [Why we make our beds first thing in the morning — to keep chaos (and ugliness) at bay.]

  7. About the looniest things to read is art criticism and analysis. I’ve got a book of Van Gogh’s works and the commentary for each painting is ludicrous, but also serious. They want to be taken seriously. It’s full of overused words and phrases that only academic art freaks use.

    But the word simultaneously is a good one. I would like to shoot a liberal in the head and simultaneously stick a knife in his guts. Conservatives should use simultaneously more often.

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