A Republic, Not a Giant H.R. Department – IOTW Report

A Republic, Not a Giant H.R. Department

American Greatness: How dumb is the 2020 presidential election campaign going to be? Unfathomably dumb. Breathtakingly dumb. Seriously; pretty dumb.

And that’s just among the mainstream candidates. Just wait and see what happens if an independent billionaire jumps in the race.

Exhibit A this week: Howard Schultz, the former chief executive officer of Starbucks, is reportedly mulling a third-party or independent run for president. Schultz, a longtime Democrat, says both parties are hopelessly dysfunctional. (Which is undeniably true.) Neither political party, for example, is lifting a finger to address the $21.9 trillion national debt.

Exhibit A-1: Schultz appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday, where he was interrogated about, wait for it, the price of a box of Cheerios.

Schultz was shocked to learn that Cheerios cost around four bucks—or less than a triple grande mocha. (But not nearly as delicious.) more here

17 Comments on A Republic, Not a Giant H.R. Department

  1. If only there were an H.R. department, if for no other reason than to trim the field of all the nitwits.
    Start with the Preamble to the Constitution, and work down to general civic knowledge; should really cull the herd.

  2. I do like triple grande mochas. For a while, a long time back, the staff would start making mine while I stood in line to order and it would be ready by the time I reached the front. Great people too – I sent them a postcard when I was traveling in Tibet and they put it on their wall.

  3. If the MSM is going to predominately
    focus on what the Communist party USA
    ( who call themselves democrats )
    is doing, then there is no bottom to the
    depths of depravity, idiocy and ignorance
    that they can sink to.

    It is time to recognize that the MSM
    has totally abandoned journalism and
    embraced advocacy of leftist extremism.


  4. I have to laugh out loud — and that’s *before* anyone gets up a head of steam!

    Here’s the deal: These fools STILL don’t know WHY DJT was elected. They think it was because everyone was a fan of The Apprentice or that blacks and hispanics were latching onto his billionaire bling the way they swooned over obama’s ‘hood schtick.

    Yes, even in the teeth of Jobs! Jobs! and more Jobs!, nearly instantaneous economic growth, record numbers of Americans returning to living wages at stable employment, record growth of small business and a daily message of hope built on evidence — these presidential wannabes think all it takes is hollow brashness and a forceful personality and a snappy campaign slogan.

    We didn’t elect “a businessman” or a family dynasty. We elected a guy who thinks like us; someone who hugs the flag and those who stand for it, refuses to call alien squatters “immigrants”, equates ISIS to snakes who bite (and kill), and who hates everything obama and the Left loves.

    Go right ahead, you Leftist, bumper sticker, identity politics, people-dividing, opportunists. Go ahead and see how far you get with your nation-killing pandering of Utopia and class/race/gender wars. We’ve all been there, done that.

    No cheap imitations for us.

  5. “Neither political party, for example, is lifting a finger to address the $21.9 trillion national debt.”

    Why would they? They built it. Dollar by dollar.

    The Republicans (Mensheviks) had two years – TWO FUKKIN YEARS – to rid us of ObolaCare and build the Wall! What did they do? They finger-fucked each other and made common cause with the Bolsheviks (Demonrats) against President Trump.

    Now the Circus comes to town.
    “Something Wicked This Way Comes” as we “Slouch(ing) Towards Gomorrah.”

    Let’s put on our bow-ties and pince-nez-es, slick down our hair, and pretend we’re watching a show. The totalitarians are in deadly earnest. This will be presented as entertainment, but it is most serious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Personally I’d like to see Shultz run, splitting the leftist vote is probably the best hope of a Trump win if the Democrats don’t make a really stupid pick for their candidate.

    Remember the lesson from Perot, popular third party candidates don’t win, they just split the vote of one side and give a decided win to the other.

  7. @CC February 5, 2019 at 12:16 am

    > If only there were an H.R. department, if for no other reason than to trim the field of all the nitwits.

    “H.R. department”? I do not think that word means what you think it means.


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