When Feminists Abandon Girls – IOTW Report

When Feminists Abandon Girls

CJ: Thanks to a bill signed into law last week in New York, biological men who identify as women now have full access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and, yes, battered-women’s shelters. If you naively expected organizations such as the National Organization for Women to lobby on behalf of women against this law, you haven’t been paying attention. When it comes to all things transgender that come at the expense of girls and women, America’s famously outspoken feminist organizations find themselves at a curious loss for words.

Feminist oracle Planned Parenthood proclaims on its website that “male” and “female” are each merely a label “that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth.” Tell that to the girls of the Palm Springs High School water polo team who walked in on a male last week, showering in the women’s locker room at the city pool they use for team practice. The team coaches confronted the man, only to be rebuffed. He was entitled to be there, he said, since he identified as a woman—his full complement of male genitalia notwithstanding. The police declined to pursue the case, according to CBS local news, on the grounds that “no laws were broken.”  read more

14 Comments on When Feminists Abandon Girls

  1. When I take my granddaughter out to a restaurant or some other place and she needs to go to the little girls room, I stand guard by the door until she comes out. No man will be entering there unless he wants to be shot.

  2. Feminists abandon girls every other abortion. If they cared so much about females we would have about 30 million (plus the daughters those 30 million may have had since 1973) more today.

  3. I have a seven year old boy that I rarely allow to use a men’s room on his own. Soon, the women’s room won’t be safe either. Please forgive the urine smell in the parking lot.

  4. There will be a couple Alpha Males that pay a heavy price for legislation. It will happen when they forcibly stop the freak show from entering the rest room the young daughter is currently occupying.

  5. Lowell, Billy Fuster, and Mrhanoverfist, leave the seat down and pee on it.
    Sorry ladies, you’re just going to have to take one for the team until this gets sorted out.


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