Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s Green New Deal Abolishes the Internal Combustion Engine – IOTW Report

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s Green New Deal Abolishes the Internal Combustion Engine

Breitbart: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)’s Green New Deal legislation will abolish I.C.E. — the internal combustion engine.

The bill introduced Thursday by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) requires “overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector” through investment in “zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing,” a move which would necessarily eliminate the internal combustion engine as we know it.

An outline released on Thursday of the Green New Deal’s proposals identifies “14 infrastructure and industrial projects,” including a goal to “replace every combustion-engine vehicle”:

Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with [the] goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.” (emphasis added).


23 Comments on Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s Green New Deal Abolishes the Internal Combustion Engine

  1. Someone should ask Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to explain the Medieval Climate Optimum.
    She’s willing to destroy this country on account of Lysenko “science” and she should be called to account – where is our vaunted Fourth Estate?
    Has the Fourth Estate enlisted in the Fifth Column?
    Why is the Fourth Estate reticent in the face of such outrageous lies and distortions?
    We need no Josef Goebbels when the Press goose-steps to the drum voluntarily.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. does this former bartender have any idea of how the world works. Take the BTU’s of all the gasoline and diesel used on our nation and convert that to KW of electricity needed to replace it, and you will find out very quickly we do not have the grid capacity to cover the additional requirement. Add in all the time to recharge batteries in cars, trucks, train engines etc, and you will grind this country to a halt.

  3. The more that comes out about the “Green New Deal” the more absurd it seems.

    I doubt that much more than even half of the Democrats are stupid enough to back it.

    But who knows, they’re Democrats in the first place after all.

  4. We need to stop ridiculing this gal. Just leave her to her own demise. Even the libturds I talk to see her as nuts and wish she would shut up. They realize shes going to take a lot of them with her. She is a gift!

  5. I gotta believe she is being used for her bat guano craziness to make the dems look better comparatively come future election cycles. If they continue to pick up radicals along the way, all the better.
    Shows that once garden variety dolts raised on Adderal, raves and rap is convinced everyone needs a college “education” goes heavily into debt they can’t pay and is a complaisant student to uber radical “professors”…. they are told they’re the smartest guy in the room and come out with a piece of otherwise worthless paper to “confirm” that.
    College has become a total graft, the only people getting their moneys worth are the elitist perpetrators.

  6. Language really has a big impact on reality and letting these lunatics call themselves PROGRESSIVES is BS and needs to stop. We had to ban the light bulb and now we all have accepted and pay $10 for a bulb that have may been $2 ten years ago. And you need a hazmat team to come in and clean up if it breaks. Now they want to ban the engine and air travel and have us all on boats and trains spending umpteenth hours on travel that can be done in half a day to a day. But they still have dreams of rocketing off to Mars or wherever the hell they can go to avoid the so called disaster of earth. How does that bode with the zero emissions BS?! We need to start fighting these radicals and a good start is to rename them a more fitting term and use it so it becomes part of the lexicon.

  7. If we really believe that this train is going to wreck itself, all by itself, we could just be on the same track Venezuela thought it was on 20 years ago.

    There are a lot of parallels to be made between the national platform of the Justice Democrats (please do your own investigation into this “party”) and that of Hugo Chavez’s Democratic Socialism. Chavez’s ascendancy was wrapped around the same popular call to end the grip of Venezuela’s then-current parties’ corruption and the influence of corporate donors and big money elections. Essentially, Venezuela’s elected officials were held in the same regard as our Uniparty/RINO/political establishment are today. This promise held vast bipartisan appeal. Who could argue against that? But it is no accident that the Justice Democrats/DSA are using the same appeal to gain followers in this country. And it is no accident that the same cheerleaders of #Occupy can be found among the leadership of those organizations. #Occupy never went away. And Bernie Sanders is still a Vermont Senator who, in 2011, indirectly praised Chavez by saying, “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, VENEZUELA and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who’s the banana republic now?”

    And what was the main attraction of Sanders’ presidential campaign? It was his shaking fist directed at PACs and mega donors, and his promise to get rid of and break up “large” (how large, you may ask?) corporations and give elections back to the little guy. If you’ve been schooled your entire life on the evils of capitalism and the evils of corporate influence on elections, how could you possibly argue against Sanders? And a $27.00 donation to his campaign won’t break your bank, right?

    We may actually have to give thanks to Hillary Rodham Clinton for being even more evil than Sanders and gypping him out of the race, because the bullet we dodged in Sanders and his following would have put us that much further apace in Cortez’s dreams of “Justice” democracy.

  8. Of course, concentrating the population is a wet dream of these people, so there would be no need for long range travel, so bye-bye cars, just bicycle everywhere. That would also play into building “adequate” housing for everyone.


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