Rape Survivor Tells Congress: Gun Control Laws Left Her Helpless – IOTW Report

Rape Survivor Tells Congress: Gun Control Laws Left Her Helpless


House Democrats are wasting no time in the new Congress scheduling hearings that address their priorities, including a hearing on Wednesday on “gun violence” as part of an effort to pass legislation to require universal background checks for firearm purchases.

Savannah Lindquist was one of the witnesses asked to testify and she was in the minority of speakers in asserting that gun control could leave crime victims helpless — just as she was when she was raped on a gun-free-zone campus in Virginia.

The witness seated next to Lindquist at the hearing, Aalayah Eastmond, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida that was the site of a mass shooting last year, got a standing ovation for calling for strict gun control laws.

Linquist, 24, shared that she believes gun control laws may not only benefit criminals but fail to stop mass shootings or save lives.

“I was living my dream,” Lindquist, 24, said. “I had just begun my senior year of college. I was at my dream school with my dream major. I loved my job and was just months easy from graduating college.”

“I was so excited, especially as a first-generation college student,” Lindquist said.

But that dream quickly changed to a nightmare, Lindquist said, as she was raped and left “shattered.” She dropped out of school and returned to her parents home.

Still, Lindquist said in her moving testimony that she was not testifying for pity but for common sense legislation.

“I am a gun owner and I was one at the time,” Lindquist said, adding that shooting is a family tradition and that she has handled firearms since she was 10 years old.

“Yes, I could have broken the law and brought my firearm to college,” Lindquist said. “I obeyed the law as a responsible gun owner and it ends up in me being raped.”

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8 Comments on Rape Survivor Tells Congress: Gun Control Laws Left Her Helpless

  1. I doubt the Democrats care one whit about this.

    Safety and protection of people has nothing at all to do with their gun control agenda, it’s just about control of people.

    The control part is all they really care about, no matter the arguments they present to make it seem acceptable and implement it.

  2. The litmus test for politicians is whether they want to disarm you or not. If they do, they follow in the footsteps of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and other dictators.

    The ultimate war on women is being done by Democrats who want women disarmed and vulnerable to rape. May the Democrats burn in Hell eternally.

  3. The lefts efforts to disarm you have nothing to do with gun violence. The first step in any Socialist regime is to disarm the population. If they were serious about “Common sense gun laws”, they’d run some analytics and would conclude gun laws only create victims.

  4. Meanwhile in CO the democrats that now again dominate congress learned their lesson from a few years ago and are not immediately going after guns (although you can guarantee they will get to that). Instead they are making sure the delegates in CO have to vote with the national popular vote instead of the CO vote, they are making sure if you teach sex ed in the schools it must include non heterosexual ideology (indoctrination) and they are already going after energy and increasing regulations on just about everything while shooting down bills Republicans propose to help teachers by giving them a tax credit for supplies they buy simply because they don’t want them getting credit even though the school unions have endorsed the bill. Welcome to democrat partisan control. It never changes.

  5. We talk about this endlessly, that guns save lives and protect people who would be defenseless. The left lies their asses off and the media take their side every time there is a shooting. Until the left and the media are victims themselves NOTHING WILL CHANGE.


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