Off-Duty Police Officer Attacked By Group of Florida Teens After Defending Homeless Person – IOTW Report

Off-Duty Police Officer Attacked By Group of Florida Teens After Defending Homeless Person

Breaking 911: SARASOTA, Florida — Today just after 12 p.m., an off-duty Sarasota Police officer was jogging at Payne Park, 2050 Adams Lane, Sarasota, when he noticed a homeless individual being harassed, pushed and hit by a group of teenagers.

The off-duty Officer identified himself as a Sarasota Police Officer and told the teenagers to stop. At least five teenagers stopped harassing the individual and turned their aggression onto the off-duty Officer, striking him several times and injuring him before leaving the area.

The Officer has minor injuries. Anyone with information on this case is asked to call Detective Dan Riley at 941-954-7062 or leave an anonymous tip with Crime Stoppers by calling 941-366-TIPS or online at

17 Comments on Off-Duty Police Officer Attacked By Group of Florida Teens After Defending Homeless Person

  1. They are not allowed to tell us their race, or their description, or anything about them if they are black; therefore we know their race and most everything about them.

  2. I’m all for shooting feral cats and dogs…

    But, alas, these rambunctious yuts are bound to grow up voting democrat so if someone where to shoot them down that would cause all sorts of heartache on the left. But murdering babies after their born, if that get’s the mother’s dem vote they are all for that. But I digress.

  3. I got the description of all five from a friend:
    All were about 5′-11″ tall. Three of them wore “Erin Go Bragh” tee shirts, One had a MAGA hat, and the meanest guy wore a “Pog Mo Theoin” tee shirt with a pussy assed Notre Dame hat.
    That’s all I got. I notified the Florida Department of Social Justice. FFS!

  4. Now, now! I’m sure this incident was an aberration. I’m sure all the little ones are really good little church going boys, raised in well-supervised and loving homes, with literature, values, thought-provoking dinner conversations and strong supportive families.

    Soon, they will be grown and upstanding members of society which will make you all proud of them, so proud that they were born. …..Lady in Red

    PS: Sadly, the loving 28 year old who abused a six year old child will not get another chance “outside” to prove to society what a loving and productive part of society she longs to become. “We” get to take care of “her.” (…and, ah, frankly….. ah, never mind.)

    ….and then there’s Marcia Fudge. (I’m not sure if we should count her as an accomplished chunk of society, or not, where her values just went….. ah, left? ….to corruption?)

  5. First, let’s get the license to carry permits legalized in every state in the nation. Then just keep our eyes open for this shit going down. Actually, maybe take early evening strolls through some special neighborhoods just for fun.

  6. “At least five teenagers stopped harassing the individual and turned their aggression onto the off-duty Officer, striking him several times…”

    “…and then he shot three of them in the face and the rest ran away. He bought the homeless man a fifth of No Name vodka and everyone lived happily ever after…except the mothers of the three youths that got shot in the face, because they couldn’t have an open casket service for their little dindus.” The End.


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