Beneath the streets of Cleveland there’s a sewer. Beneath that sewer is the runoff from the sewer. And beneath that sewer is Rep. Marcia Fudge(D) – IOTW Report

Beneath the streets of Cleveland there’s a sewer. Beneath that sewer is the runoff from the sewer. And beneath that sewer is Rep. Marcia Fudge(D)


Rep. Fudge’s Dem Judge Protects Her From Friend of Woman Murdered by Her Pal.

First, some context.

On the way back from a funeral, Judge Lance Mason beat his wife so badly that he broke her orbital socket.  A woman who called 911 had described a horrifying scene of “fists flying” inside the car.

Their two children, ages 4 and 6, were in the SUV when their father assaulted their mother, choked her and bit her on the ear and the cheek. According to Aisha, Judge Mason “struck me in the face, yanked my hair, slammed my head into the dashboard and armrest of the car.”

She later called the police, telling them, “I’m afraid he’s going to hurt my daughters.”

Aisha had to be hospitalized and required reconstructive surgery to repair the damage to her face.

When the cops came to arrest Judge Mason, they found semi-automatic rifles, 2,500 rounds of ammunition, a bulletproof vest and a sword.

When Mason came up for trial, he allegedly had support from Rep. Marcia Fudge. Judge Mason got a slap on the wrist. He got out, got a job from his Dem pals, and then killed his ex-wife.

The body of Aisha Fraser, a beloved teacher at Woodbury Elementary, and the mother of a daughter with Down syndrome, was found, stabbed to death, in the driveway of her home.

Mason was reportedly caught trying to flee the scene. He struck a police officer with his car and rammed into the police car hard enough to disable both cars.

The officer suffered injuries to his legs and ribs.

Rep. Marcia Fudge came in for some criticism for the whole, “Supporting a Monster” thing. But don’t worry. The Dems have her back.

A January confrontation between Rep. Marcia Fudge and the friend of a domestic violence victim whose abuser Fudge advocated for was shown in court on Wednesday as the congresswoman sought a restraining order against her accuser.  more here

h/t  Aunt Liz.

22 Comments on Beneath the streets of Cleveland there’s a sewer. Beneath that sewer is the runoff from the sewer. And beneath that sewer is Rep. Marcia Fudge(D)

  1. This story makes it harder to resist the temptation
    to approve of vigilantism.

    When “the law” is blatantly unjust, and blithely ignored by the powerful and connected, respect for the rule of law disappears in a cloud of righteous anger. As has been asked rhetorically many times, if the powerful can ignore the law with impunity, why should anyone else obey the law?

  2. Well stated Uncle Al. Well stated.

    We continue to follow the law, because it is the law and we respect the rights of others. Many of the well connected elite disregard the law and individual rights of others. The judiciary has a long history of protecting the elite. Their actions are shameful and disgusting.

  3. Bringing this up only returns me to the 2 most troubling topics we face.
    The farce of the election process and mental illness.
    At this point,
    ‘approve of vigilantism’,
    Issac Hayes said it best,
    ‘You damn right’

  4. And beneath the Fudgepacker is Mrs. Robinson who was allowed to trade her time raising Big Mitch’s kids into a fat Goobermint pension.
    Thank God Trump isn’t living with and dragging the in-laws around to get dey share of free stuff.

  5. and what about his radio interview, where he promoted post birth abortion? He was advocating for acceptability of killing a baby that had already been delivered. why is there no public uproar about that? He’s a neurological pediatrician- I bet he knows how to kill babies real good.


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