Senior FBI Lawyer Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It – IOTW Report

Senior FBI Lawyer Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It

Epoch Times: Congressional testimony by Trisha Anderson highlights unusual process used by FBI and DOJ in obtaining FISA warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Trisha Anderson, the principal deputy general counsel for the FBI and head of the bureau’s National Security and Cyber Law Branch, signed off on an application for a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page—before the application went to FBI Director James Comey—despite not having read it, she said.

Anderson, whose division was also assigned the Mid-Year Exam—the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server—was responsible for legal oversight of the FBI’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications process, and provided a final sign-off before FISA applications were sent to the FBI director level. Anderson, who supervised the FBI attorneys involved in FISA applications, characterized her role as being “involved at a supervisory level within the legal chain of command.”

Although she did not voluntarily reveal the information, she admitted during questioning that she was the individual responsible at the senior executive service (SES) level for signing off on the original Carter Page FISA application:  more

14 Comments on Senior FBI Lawyer Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It

  1. How many FISA warrants were LESS important (than damaging to a presidential [Republican] party nominee) did she sign off on besides this one? And how many had she read?

    You see, it’s not hard to be Trey Gowdy. Now ask why? how could this happen? Then PROSECUTE!!!!

  2. Saying I didn’t read it is just another slippery way to dodge responsibility… like Hillary saying “I Don’t recall”
    This lawyer needs to be fired and disbarred for gross incompetence for assuming that actual work is not required just because she has a government position and the violation of her oath to carry out her duties as an attorney!

  3. “I don’t read anything I don’t sign first.”

    Does that sound like genuine lawyer talk?
    You’d sign your name and put lives and property at risk, without reading it?
    Shades of Beria!

    Let me come up with some papers to shove in front of her to sign!
    She could take over my car payment … or mortgage!

    Nobody’s that fuckin dumb – NOBODY!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. it is a variation on the ‘ginsberg maneuver’
    it that, original form, the document isn’t read or signed by the ‘signer’

    remember the security declaration that clinton claimed she didn’t sign?


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