California Governor Orders Some Of National Guard Away From The Border – IOTW Report

California Governor Orders Some Of National Guard Away From The Border

DC: California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the withdrawal of most of the National Guard troops currently deployed at the state’s southern border in a public rebuke to President Donald Trump.

“We are not interested in participating in this political theatre. I think it is political theatre,” Gavin said Monday in Sacramento as he formally announced his decision, while blasting Trump’s deployment of National Guard troops along the U.S.-Mexico border. The governor went on to claim that border crossings are at record lows and argued that immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born citizens. “The whole thing is ludicrous,” he added of the president’s border security efforts.

A majority of the nearly 400 National Guard troops currently stationed at the California-Mexico border will be leaving, per the order from Newsom. Troops will be reassigned to other tasks, such as combating wildfires, gaining more intelligence on drug cartels, and growing California’s Drug Task Force. The California governor will only leave around 100 troops to remain at the border.

“The border ’emergency’ is a manufactured crisis,” Newsom is expected to say during his State of the State address on Tuesday, according to an excerpt from his prepared remarks. “And California will not be part of this political theater. Which is why I have given the National Guard a new mission.” more here

10 Comments on California Governor Orders Some Of National Guard Away From The Border

  1. “The governor went on to claim that border crossings are at record lows and argued that immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born citizens”

    If you repeat it often enough, It’s still fucking bull shit. Man I hate this faggot. Tell this to Kates family ass hole.

    PS, It’s an easy to find statistic that Illegal aliens occupy 33% of the California Prison system. Do the math. Depending on who you believe, they’re less than 10% of our population. Man are we screwed.

  2. So…the CA gov’t controls the National Guard, which belongs to the DOD? Does this mean that, when the NATIONAL EMERGENCY is declared, Newsom can say no NE in CA?


  3. Anyone suffering harm at the hands of unrestrained illegal aliens in California should be allowed to sue the State and the politicians involved for damages since they deliberately aided and abetted it with their opposition to Federal immigration law and their declared sanctuary status for them.

    But I seriously doubt that will happen.


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