Previously Deported Armed Robber Arrested near Arizona Border – IOTW Report

Previously Deported Armed Robber Arrested near Arizona Border

Breitbart: Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a previously deported criminal alien after he re-entered the U.S. with a group of migrants. An Arizona court previously convicted the Mexican national for armed robbery.

Agents assigned to the Casa Grande Border Patrol Station observed signs that a group of migrants crossed the border east of the Lukeville Port of Entry. The agents began tracking the migrants by utilizing dirt bikes and other all-terrain vehicles, according to Tucson Sector officials.

The agents tracked the group for at least nine miles. The agents apprehended 10 migrants who were all illegally present in the U.S. They then arranged for transportation and biometric background investigations to search for histories of criminal convictions, immigration violations, or gang affiliation, officials stated.

During the records check, the agents identified one as a previously convicted felon. An Arizona court convicted 25-year-old Silvestre Verdugo-Valles, a Mexican national, for armed robbery with a deadly weapon in Phoenix, Border Patrol officials stated. The court sentenced the illegal immigrant to five years in state prison. Immigration officers deported the Mexican national upon completion of his prison term. more

13 Comments on Previously Deported Armed Robber Arrested near Arizona Border

  1. mcn…I wish Trump would bring this up everytime one of these criminals was exposed. Ask them how many illegal criminals are they willing to personally support and take responsibility for. He should also charge them with aiding and abetting alien criminals.

  2. You know, if we were to start punishing these bastards instead of giving them a warm meal and sending them on their way they wouldn’t be coming back. A convicted armed robber attempting to break our laws again by invading our country should be executed. Hang his carcass over a wall or fence post with a sign on him explaining why he is here. Do this about a hundred times and we might not need a big beautiful wall.

  3. AA, the cartels might not care about those guys, but those guys might care about themselves. If we start punishing the invaders the cartels will eventually take notice. Finish the Wall! MAGA!

  4. you don’t show the public what we do, you just make these turds disappear when they’re found. if enough of them just vanish, and the money they’re sending back home vanishes too, well that’ll send a message. and how!

  5. While I personally support Joe6pak’s idea, I can see how simple execution might not go over well. However, I fail to understand why we obligate ourselves to deporting them to whence they came beyond the first offense.

    After all, they broke our laws.

    Second offense, we load you into a C130, give you a coat and a pocketknife, strap a chute on you, and boot you out the back over polar bear infested territory. According to environmentalists, polar bears gotta eat too.

  6. Shoot him in front of the other
    9,then sent the 9 back to the border
    and say “have a nice day” & Oh BTW same
    thing gona happen to you if you come back…


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