Byron York: Resistance rattled by ‘no collusion’ talk – IOTW Report

Byron York: Resistance rattled by ‘no collusion’ talk

WaEx: There have been reports recently that the Senate Intelligence Committee, the panel conducting the bipartisan flagship congressional investigation of the Trump-Russia affair, has not found evidence to conclude that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to fix the 2016 election.

“If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia,” the committee’s chairman, Republican Sen. Richard Burr, told CBS last week.

Pressed on his statement a few days later, Burr said, “The only thing I’ve addressed is whether we had facts that suggest there was [collusion]. We don’t have any.” Burr added one caveat: “Just saying what factually we’ve found to date. We haven’t finished our investigation.”

At about the same time, NBC News reported that committee Democrats did not fundamentally dispute Burr’s statement, although they emphasized they had uncovered no “direct” evidence of collusion. “Both Republicans and Democrats are telling us that they found no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, which after all was the big question that everyone was asking,” said NBC’s Ken Dilanian Tuesday.

The talk prompted pushback from the top Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner, who told CNN that he is not on board with Burr. “Respectfully, I disagree,” Warner said. “I’m not going to get into any conclusions I’ve reached, because my basis of this has been that I’m not going to reach any conclusion until we finish the investigation. And we still have a number of the key witnesses to come back.”

The “no collusion” talk set off alarm bells among those who have devoted the last two years to promoting the notion that Trump and Russia conspired in 2016. The Committee to Investigate Russia, established by actor Rob Reiner and including former intelligence chiefs James Clapper and Michael Hayden, sent out an email headlined, “No Direct Link So Far … But So What?” more

7 Comments on Byron York: Resistance rattled by ‘no collusion’ talk

  1. O.K. now we tell the left that the reason there is no direct evidence is because Trump was using the Russian “Firefox” technology that only requires you to think in Russian in order to control your fighter je…. um… your Russian counterparts.

  2. Follow closely here: Trump hotels and clubs have bars, and the bars serve vodka, some of the vodka is Stolichnaya, Stoli is Russian, lobbyists drink in some of these bars, lobbyists host pols and campaigners, some of these pols and campaigners get tipsy and their judgment is impaired, with impaired judgment they are susceptible to lobbyists’ suggestions, and THEREFORE Trump colludes with Russia to influence elections.

  3. It’s gotten so bad, I actually heard Brennan today on the radio openly lamenting that collusion is not a crime. But good luck finding that quote in the dim, hazy light of the gas lamp. I couldn’t find it, anyway.

  4. Was it this, Thirdtwin? This is a tweet from Brennan:

    “Senate Intel Committee is doing good work, but it does not conduct criminal investigations. It is up to Special Counsel to charge those who criminally conspired with Russia. Don’t conflate collusion, which occured, with criminal conspiracy.” Stay tuned.

    8:11 PM – Feb 12, 2019

  5. Corky, it was a sound bite from Sebastian Gorka’s radio show this afternoon. Brennan was on some TV show to spout his usual bile. I don’t know why he’s so het up to find collusion which he knows isn’t criminal. Maybe collusion would help them get the Peach45mobile out of the ditch. I don’t know. Brennan is just twisted.

    BTW, Gorka’s show replaced Michael Medved. We are truly in the Age of Trump now.


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