Rand Paul Says Trump Won ‘Big Victory’ with Border Wall Deal, Slams Northam, Barr – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Says Trump Won ‘Big Victory’ with Border Wall Deal, Slams Northam, Barr

Breitbart: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called the border wall proposal hammered out by congressional negotiators a “big victory” for President Trump in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily Wednesday morning.

“I think in the end, Trump won a big victory here, because everybody else had folded,” he said in the interview with host and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.

“At Christmastime, everybody else was folding, and just saying, ‘Oh the Democrats gained control of the House, this is the best that we’ll ever do.’ So he got $1.375 billion for border security that wasn’t in there before,” he said.

Before the government shutdown, Democrats offered no money for a physical barrier. One option proposed by Democrats included $1.6 billion to $2.5 billion — none of which could be spent on a wall.

“I think the president wanted $5 billion and Nancy Pelosi wanted $0, so until she got him to $0 there was going to be no compromise,” Paul said of those discussions.

“So I think there will be a splitting of the difference, I think the number that’s being floated around is $1.375 billion — not all of that for the wall, but some of it will be,” he said.

“Democrats can say none of it’s for the wall, but in reality it’s for a steel slat barrier that certainly looks pretty hard to get over for me,” he added.

Paul also spoke about Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s (D) comments endorsing abortion after a baby is born.

He said as a doctor who has worked to save premature babies’ lives, “It just sort of grosses me out to even think these people are thinking a six, seven, eight-pound baby at the time of birth could be aborted.”

“The person who has the stomach … to commit that kind of murder at that time of a full-term baby is somebody who really doesn’t have a conscience,” he said. “[Democrats] have really gone off the deep end on this.”

“It’s not a small feat to kill a six or seven-pound baby. It takes considerable effort, and it’s especially gruesome,” he said.  MORE

12 Comments on Rand Paul Says Trump Won ‘Big Victory’ with Border Wall Deal, Slams Northam, Barr

  1. We got no wall so far, and are unlikely to have anything more than an ineffective or useless one anytime during the remainder of his time in office.

    What we are going to end up with is going to be something like replacing one window on a house that has had all of its windows broken out by vandals. Not much value in the way of keeping the outside out or the inside in.

    This would be the end of Trump, he would be losing too many of his supporters if not for the AOC movement driving them and others toward him out of reaction to them, his only real chance at staying in office and getting reelected being given him by the Democrats.

  2. I agree with Paul. Trump is getting money from Congress for a wall, and once a physical barrier is started, it is much easier to obtain additional funds to continue and complete it. It would also be easier to use funds from other sources to complete a wall once the initial funding is approved.

    I think Trump, wall notwithstanding, has accomplished a lot of good during his first two years in office. And he has done this in the face of fairly organized and vicious opposition not only from Democrats, but from many members of the media as well.

  3. No this bill sux. Even if all the 1.3 billion went to the wall, it still means it is closer to Pelosi’s $0 than DJT’s $5 billion. A compromise would be meeting in the middle.
    Plus isn’t there the new caps put on bed space?
    This thing sux and our side negotiated a terrible deal and boxed DJT in a corner now.

    Declare National Emergency citing all the crime and drugs coming into the country and do it anyway. That would be a win.

  4. Paul may have some ideas that I don’t agree with but he is one of the few good guys up there. He makes some valid points in his remarks.
    Trump is putting what he can get in the bank and then pushing for more. His job would be so much easier if he was dealing with rational people but that’s just not the case. As long as so many americans remain uninformed and easily manipulated this is what we can expect.

  5. Democrats will be on record as having funded the wall after publicly stating “not $1 dollar”.

    Now we’re just haggling over the price.

    Trump should have a big congratulatory statement on the bipartisan effort to build the wall. We all agree its important. Now we just need to finish paying for it.


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