Some Trumpenfreude from CNN – IOTW Report

Some Trumpenfreude from CNN

Don Surber; General Joseph Leonard Votel went on CNN and dissed his commander-in-chief.

The Hill reported, “The top U.S. military commander in charge of the battle against Islamic State fighters in Syria on Friday said that President Trump’s order to remove U.S. forces from Syria came prematurely, adding that he would not have made the same decision.”

Obama appointed Votel to that post.

Hours later, CNN reported, “ISIS now controls an area of Syria measuring just 700 square meters, a commander with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces said Saturday.”

Once again, Obama appointed Votel to that post.  more here

17 Comments on Some Trumpenfreude from CNN

  1. He makes the announcement at a leftist news outlet. This wasn’t to disagree with the president it’s purpose was to undermine him.
    This piece of shit is a disgrace to the uniform.

  2. Allowing this sort of public dissension among high ranking officers in the military is something that builds toward a coup.

    I hope Trump is aware of this and takes appropriate action.

  3. No doubt Congress is already in a special emergency session, drafting legislation to prevent Trump from firing him, a crack team of federal judges is on standby, the Pentagon has got Trump’s twitter feed up up on the big screen in the Situation Room and a battalion of lawyers has been deployed to reinforce the defenses around the general’s Security Clearance.

  4. Every Flag officer promoted on the seditious gay Kenyan commie’s watch should be reviewed for fitness, loyalty, patriotism. The treasonous gay Kenyan commie didn’t have any problems getting rid of Generals who said they would not fire on American citizens.

  5. @Anonymous February 17, 2019 at 7:53 am

    > Allowing this sort of public dissension among high ranking officers in the military is something that builds toward a coup.
    > I hope Trump is aware of this and takes appropriate action.

    As do we all
    (maybe not for the same reasons…
    we can sort that out later)

  6. Time to court martial him under the Uniform Code of Military Justice UCMJ

    Article 88: Contempt Toward Officials. A commissioned officer of the United States Armed Forces who uses contemptuous words against officials of any branch of the U.S. government or any State government will be punished as a court-martial may direct under Article 88 of the UCMJ: Contempt toward Officials.
    UCMJ Article 88: Contempt Toward Officials | UCMJ Attorney…/articles…ucmj/article-88-contempt-toward-officials/


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