Canada: Antifa tries to blockade Ottawa-bound pro-pipeline convoy outside Winnipeg – IOTW Report

Canada: Antifa tries to blockade Ottawa-bound pro-pipeline convoy outside Winnipeg

RCMP in Manitoba chose a strange tactic to deal with the Antifa hooligans looking to stop the convoy of pro-pipeline cars and trucks on the way to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s house.

This isn’t the way to keep the convoy, the RCMP and even the protesters safe.  watch

14 Comments on Canada: Antifa tries to blockade Ottawa-bound pro-pipeline convoy outside Winnipeg

  1. Pathetic little group out there freezing their nuts off. The people on the bus should all dump water on them and return in the spring with ice picks to deport them.

  2. On Friday I was on an Amtrak train and saw a young man carrying a book down the aisle. The cover had a familair color pattern so I did a little internet searching (yes they have decent wireless on Amtrak trains).
    This is what I found:
    He was a well dressed, clean-cut man in his early twenties.
    They are everywhere, and don’t always look like that occupy trash we saw destroying city parks a few years ago.

  3. Holy Crap,

    Just read the Comments on that Book Jethro…Here’s a review

    Comment Report abuse
    J. Michael
    1.0 out of 5 starsAn Apologia for Violence and Murder
    December 13, 2018
    Format: Kindle Edition
    Why is antifa unique? Because they openly and proudly avow and justify not only taking away the Constitutional rights of people on the Right, but also committing violence against them.

    Why is antifa significant? Because despite the marginal place in American society to which antifa is consigned by their personal loathsomeness and radical politics, the liberal elites in government have found a use for these degenerate Marxists by allowing them to assault organized conservatives in the streets with impunity. See Charlottesville.

    Who are antifa? The tedious mischling academic who authored this dreck spends a lot of time narrating the history of the various misfit grouplings across the world who call themselves antifa, and their inane ideological dissensions. Who really cares? They are not workers or intellectuals or entrepreneurs or any other actual class of normal society’s productive citizens. They are nothing but human detritus whose stupidity is being manipulated by effeminate Marxist professors who would use them as storm troops against White civilization. The utter marginality of these misfits and losers can be gauged by the fact that even the author admits that some groups have been destroyed from within by heroin addiction, lol.

    These are not the descendants of the men who stormed the beached of Normandy. These monsters are the bastard children of pimps, Satanists, druggies and the most whacked out commie professor at the most peripheral community college, and they are inspired by a burning animus towards everything normal about the Western world. In another, healthier era, these specimens of human garbage would end up dead by age 21, from an overdose of some sort or the gallows. But they exist and have become significant because liberals in government have found a use for them by allowing their violence against the organized Right. And lest you think that antifa only targets “Nazis” (as if it’s ok to physically harm anyone or take away anyone’s right to speech and assembly), the author freely admits that their principle is to destroy the Right as a whole and bring about the destruction of capitalism and Western civilization. In those countries where “Nazis” have been destroyed or intimidated, it is antifa’s stated goal to focus on doing the same to the next most conservative political movement.

    Pull back the very thin veneer of academic respectability and trendy SJW jargon peppering this wearisome tome in order to behold, in all its revolting putridness, the deranged mental illness that animates the mind of the typical antifa drone. It is an apologia for violence against the Right. Let there be no mistake- we are under physical attack and must respond accordingly, since the mainstream Left of the Democratic Party and their media have our extinction as a principal goal.

  4. “In those countries where “Nazis” have been destroyed or intimidated, it is antifa’s stated goal to focus on doing the same to the next most conservative political movement.”

    This is the reason you have to kick the asses of bullies, hard. Won’t stop unless physically stopped. The propagandized media is the only thing stopping this from being a done deal already.

    “..even the author admits that some groups have been destroyed from within by heroin addiction..”

    Suddenly, I’m for mailing free heroin straight to their houses. I’m sympathetic and helpful like that.

  5. Did I miss something? I counted 10-14 parka clad docile canucks blocking ONE lane. No rock throwing, bike lock hurling, feces flinging filthy marxists chaining themselves to oil drums blocking all traffic.
    Come to Portland, Chicago, Berkeley, Baltimore etc if you want to see “unsafe protests” in action.


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