Jussie Smollett case to go before grand jury next week – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett case to go before grand jury next week

American Thinker:

While the Jussie Smollett “hate crime” fable continues to unravel, TMZ is reporting that the case will go before a grand jury next week.

Law enforcement sources connected to the investigation tell TMZ, the 2 brothers who were arrested and then released are staying somewhere around the Loop in downtown Chicago under the watchful eye of police so no one gets to them.  We’re told cops especially want to make sure Jussie does not contact the brothers.

We’re told when police raided the home of the 2 brothers they found magazines with pages torn out, and authorities are now trying to determine if the missing pages are connected to the threatening letter that was sent to Jussie 8 days before the alleged attack.

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he’d sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would.  But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we’re told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints.   more here

11 Comments on Jussie Smollett case to go before grand jury next week

  1. “He was willing to sign it if it were random white guys he knew to be innocent?”

    …to people like this, White people are ALWAYS guilty of extreme racism with slavery specifications, @Onginer. It’s like Original Sin, but there’s no Jesus and the only acceptable sentence to them is the genocide of everyone they deem to be White. Well, except for whatever blondes they may want to have sex with, that is…

  2. It would be interesting to find out if someone put Jussie up to the hoax or otherwise encouraged him for reasons of their own.

    Someone in Hollywood, someone in government, someone in some other high position?

    Maybe or maybe not, I just have doubts that Jussie is actually smart enough to come up with the plan and then orchestrate it himself.

    Maybe I’m wrong.


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