Ocasio-Cortez Senior Staffers To Receive Pay Cuts So Others Can Make ‘Living Wage’ – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez Senior Staffers To Receive Pay Cuts So Others Can Make ‘Living Wage’

DC: New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will likely need to cut senior staff salaries in order to afford the “living wage” the freshman congresswoman intends to pay every staff member.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about her staff’s upcoming pay structure on Friday along with a link to a Roll Call story on the topic.

“Leadership starts with our choices,” she wrote. “That’s why I decided that no one on my staff will make less than $52k/year. It’s likely one of the highest entry-level salaries on the Hill. We pinch pennies elsewhere, but it’s worth every dime to pay a living wage.”


SNIP: Why isn’t she cutting from HER salary?

30 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez Senior Staffers To Receive Pay Cuts So Others Can Make ‘Living Wage’

  1. How many times did she have to take her shoes off to come up with the numbers?….fingers, boobs and toes and she still can’t come up with 15…..I like her though, I think she should pose necked a bunch….I’d put a calender of her up in my shop and ask her questions….somethin’ like… Is it Cactus or Cacti?….

  2. Really? Economically speaking, she will be left with the most green of her staff, the less experienced, when her public persona is crying out for experience?

    Get ready for many more sound bites! 🙂

  3. she will have to do some creating bookkeeping:
    “Report: Ocasio-Cortez is a Swamp Socialist, Boyfriend Paid by Friendly PAC”
    ““Taking money from a rich guy, trying to hide it by passing it through a PAC, and then giving her benefactor a government job.”
    she took money from a PAC, directed the money to her boyfriend, then hired the donor to work for her as chief of staff.
    and the initial contribution may have been beyond legal campaign limits.
    not only is she stupid, she is corrupt

  4. @ Diogenes

    This useful idiot won’t be found in a car trunk until after the 2020 Election. When she has attracted brain-dead Millennial voters, she will be T.O.A.S.T.

    Trust me.

  5. She probably didn’t consider how this will damage her brand in a real world way. Now, if any of her “Democratic Socialist” senior staff leaves for a higher paying job, it proves capitalism is king.

  6. Typical socialist/totalitarian hypocrite.
    She’ll keep hers but cut her staffs’ to “equalize” them.

    Thus, she’s “more equal” than them. Same old Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Sanders, Kennedy, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Buffet, Bloomberg, Gates, Soros, Bezos, O’Rourke, Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Hollyweird hypocritical bullshit.

    The dumbfounding part is that we never wake up.
    The hypocrites prance and we cheer!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. When my daughter worked as a paid staffer for our local Congresswoman Kathy McMorris Rogers 10 years or so ago for a year and a half until she went to Regent University in Virginia Beach to get her Master’s Degree she was paid about $30,000 a yr. It was a great job and great experience for her having just graduated from Eastern Wash. University with a BA in Govt studies at the age of 22-23, of course her best friend also helped a lot since she was already working for the Congresswoman. She was able to survive on that since her best friend also worked there as a paid staffer and they were able to share expenses.

  8. @Corky – “They should all throw their salaries in a basket (including aoc) and divide it equally. Socialism!”

    Along with her $174,000 congressional salary she needs to throw in the $10 million she got from NetFlix for her life story. That would make a real nice “living wage” for a lot of employees.

    In office for only two months and is already a multi-millionaire. Seems a little capitalist-y for an avowed socialist, dontcha think?


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