The existential threat to the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

The existential threat to the Democrat Party

AT: There is an existential threat to the Democratic Party — brought on by Democrats.

Pandering to black voters — and supporting policies that keep them uneducated and living in ghettos — has been a high priority of the Democrat Party since the 1930s.

It has been a success.  Democrats get 90 percent of the vote of Americans with black skin in most cases.  But several trends are working to loosen that hold — two in particular.

One is the integration of neighborhoods that is taking place naturally and despite policies designed to prevent it.  One of the liberal fantasies is “white flight,” in which white Americans allegedly have fled cities for the suburbs to avoid living near black Americans.  Any cursory examination of the data demonstrates that blacks, as they rise the economic ladder, are fleeing crime and congestion for the suburbs and rural areas as well.  read more

7 Comments on The existential threat to the Democrat Party

  1. Skin color is not the only division between people that Democrats promote because it benefits them and their political power.

    If skin color should somehow disappear as significant it would be morality, religion, economic class, social structure and on and on that they would use in its place to keep the people divided against one another.

  2. AOC is a Democrat Socialist
    AOC was a bartender
    AOC has a popular following
    AOC is now in Congress

    Hitler was a Democrat Socialist
    Hitler was only a Corporal
    Hitler has a popular following
    Hitler gained power in the Reichstag.

    AOC is not Hitler, but do not underestimate where this will go, especially with the powers behind the scenes.

    Remember that Jr. Senator from Illinois name Obama?

  3. @Anon E. Mouse February 24, 2019 at 11:26 am

    > do not underestimate where this will go, especially with the powers behind the scenes

    “The enemy of those that call me enemy is my ally.”

    “I, for one, welcome our new overlords.”

    Boots on the street… first come, first served… if you wish to sit on the porch, and throw money at The Party as they parade by, good on ya. If you want to wait for the Islamists to bring down the communists… if you want to wait for the New Improved Democratic Socialists to bring down the Old Boomer Conservative Communists… good on ya. If you expect someone else to march The Party to the gallows… then hand you the keys to the nation… good luck with that.

  4. We’re at the crossroads. The only reason the shooting hasnt started is because clinton blew her rigged election – and Donald Trump rose to greatness by seizing the moment from GOPe quislings.

    But the war is just beginning.

  5. @Anonymous February 24, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    > The only reason the shooting hasnt started is because clinton blew her rigged election – and Donald Trump rose to greatness by seizing the moment from GOPe quislings.

    The reason there’s no shooting yet, is because conservatives, constitutionalists, conservative constitutionalists, constitutional conservatives, and the rest, all think they’re fooling the proles with their “All the communism, next Tuesday, if you pay us in full for half today.” After all, they’d believe that story if somebody told it to them.

    The people with the wherewithal to do the work have no reason to do it for those that will profit from it.


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