Bernie Sanders Ignores Questions at CNN Town Hall – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Ignores Questions at CNN Town Hall

Sanders Ignores Question About Whether U.S. Would Turn Socialist Under Him.

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) ignored a question Monday at CNN’s town hall about whether the U.S. would become a “socialist country” under his hypothetical presidency.

President Donald Trump said at his State of the Union address that the U.S. would “never be a socialist country,” and cameras caught Sanders looking less than pleased as Trump torched the far-left political ideology.

Asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Monday if Trump’s promise would hold true under a Sanders presidency, he didn’t engage the question and instead launched into his agenda items.

“If I am elected president, we will have a nation in which all people have health care as a right, whether Trump likes it or not,” he said. “We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. We are going to raise the minimum wage to a living wage of at least 15 bucks an hour, and whether Trump likes it or not, when I talk about human rights, you know what that also means? It means that our kids and grandchildren have the human right to grow up in a planet that is healthy and habitable.  MORE

Sanders Still Won’t Call Maduro a Dictator: ‘There Are Still Democratic Operations’ in Venezuela.

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) continued his streak of not calling Venezuelan autocratic leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator, saying Monday that there are still “democratic operations” in Venezuela.

Sanders, who announced last week he’s running for president, participated in a CNN town hall in Washington, D.C., with host Wolf Blitzer. The CNN host asked him why he stopped short of calling Maduro a dictator in an interview last week.

“Well, I think it’s fair to say that the last election was undemocratic, but there are still democratic operations taking place in that country. The point is what I’m calling for right now is internationally supervised, free elections,” Sanders said.

Shortly before the town hall, Univision News announced on Twitter that one of their teams and anchor Jorge Ramos were “being arbitrarily detained at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas. They were interviewing @NicolasMaduro but he didn’t like the questions. Their technical equipment was also confiscated.”  more

11 Comments on Bernie Sanders Ignores Questions at CNN Town Hall

  1. A long history, Socialist or Communist are labels Bernie proudly wears.
    He advocates the government to pay for all needs of the peasants, while the socialist elite make our day to day life decisions for us, as we are incapable.
    Every person will be equally destitute while the elite live like the rich and famous.

  2. He didn’t ignore the question, that was his answer. Those things are the hallmark of a Democratic Socialist agenda. We have never been “A Capitalist Country” or “A Socialist Country” like it’s an on/off light switch. We’re a mixed economy, where there is a private sector and a public sector. Sanders’ policies are to give the government a greater role in providing things that the majority of people need (like high enough wages to live on, a habitable planet, clean water, health care, etc.), while allowing choice and competition for items that are not essential (like cars, shoes, cereal, etc.) . People have bought into the “evil demon Socialism” stuff for the last 75 years. Like with Capitalism, like with Conservatism, like with religious denomination–any of these manmade constructs, there isn’t just one form of them and they don’t all pursue or value the same thing. Sanders isn’t pushing for totalitarian socialism, or cronyistic socialism, he wants democratic socialism, and those are the policies that groups like the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) advocate for. What’s wrong with his answer, other than maybe just that you don’t favor those policies?

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